Give a different CPU fan slot a shot. If your motherboard has more than one CPU fan slot, try connecting the fan to another one. Sometimes, this can resolve the CPU fan error. 4. Make Sure the CPU fan is Connected Properly The reason why you’re seeing this fan error on Asus and ...
As far as we have experienced, the most frequent cause of this error is a fan not being connected to the motherboard’s CPU_FAN header or misconnected. This implies that the fan of the CPU cooler has been connected to a differentfan header, for example, the header namedCHA_FANorSYS_FA...
It’s more likely to work out CPU fan error on boot by accessing your BIOS and update the firmware of your Windows PC. 1. Download the newest BIOS version from your motherboard manufacturer’s website and copy it onto anUSB flash drive. 2. Open theStart Menuthen click thePowerbutton. ...
When you see the error message"CPU FAN Error"in POST, it means the system doesn't detect the FAN. You can refer to the steps below to resolve the issue. 1. Please make sure the CPU FAN is installed on the right position of the motherboard and twist the screws tightly ...
If an error in the picture below occurs after the motherboard boots up:CPU Over Temperature Error!Press F1 to Run SETUP This error means that CPU temperature is too high, please follow the steps below to troubleshoot: 1. The fan problem of the CPU cooler: Press [F1] to enter into BIOS...
eachpartofthemotherboard, Chapter2:BasicSetup Thischapterliststhebasicsetupproceduresforsettingupyourmotherboard, Chapter3:BIOSandRAIDSupport ThischaptertellshowtobootintotheBIOS,upgradeBIOSusingtheEZFlashUtility andsupportonRAID. ASUSwebsite TheASUSwebsite()providesupdatedinformationonASUShardware andsoftwareprodu...
I noticed that ASUS MOTHERBOARD FAN CONTROL SERVICE crash every day, i can see that in the reliability monitor of windows 10, can anyone explain why?Description of the crash (its in italian):Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\AsusFanControl...
Q-FAN Mode [Standard] 设置Q-Fan 模式。只有当 Smart Q-Fan 功能项目设为 Enabled 时,本项目才出 现。设置值有: [Quiet] [Standard] [Cool] 2.6 启动菜单 (Boot menu) 启动菜单项可以让您更改系统的启动选项。选择其中一项,然后按下<Enter>键来显 ...
In the BIOS menu, you will be able to customize hardware settings such as boot order, memory settings, and fan speeds, as well as apply anyoverclockingor undervolting. If the “Del” key doesn’t work, try pressing “F2.” If not, refer to your motherboard’s manual. ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) ASUS华硕MotherboardATX MotherboardsPRIME Z790-P-CSMPRIME Z790-P 英文版使用手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ASUS华硕MotherboardATXMotherboardsPRIMEZ790-P-CSMPRIMEZ790-P英文版使用手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册...