ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Hero 评测,第3页,玩家国度主板作为华硕旗下的顶级游戏系列品牌,在面对Intel 13代CPU发布的首发配套主板里自然不会缺席,这次伴随首发内容的2款主板型号则是针对顶级的Z790 Extreme以及相对偏向主流高端的Z790 Hero主板,本次评测的ROG ...,主板,评测 ,
ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Dark Hero 评测,第4页,Intel的Z790芯片组自从上市也已经有着这一段时间了,而随着即将到来的14代Intel酷睿处理器,各大厂家自然是要将旗下的Z790主板进行一下Refresh操作,今天带来的主板即来自于我们熟悉的华硕ROG出品的Maximus Z790 Dark H ...,主板,
So, let us find out how theASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Dark Heroperforms and if it is worth your money in this review. And yeah, we expect this motherboard to hover in the $699 range.
Thanks to improved signal routing, now enthusiast-grade kits have been driven far beyond the 8 GT/s mark on the Maximus Z790 Dark Hero, and who knows how far future DIMMs can go? Seasoned veterans can test their mettle by tinkering with the extensive array of tuning options in the UEFI....
ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Apex Encore 评测,第3页,随着Intel 14代酷睿处理器的发布,各大主板厂商纷纷推出来了旗下Refresh后的新款Z790主板.那么这次ROG除了给我们带来了Dark Hero以外,对旗下针对极致超频的Apex也做出了更新,名为Maximus Z790 Apex Encore.这个末尾的 ...,主板
The ROG Maximus Z790 Hero BTF delivers an unprecedented level of cable management to PC DIY enthusiasts with Hidden-Connector Design and Graphics Card High-Power Slot, 20+1+2 power stages, hyperspeed DDR5 support and the latest PCIe® 5.0 connectivity.
The ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Hero is a beautiful board... Bronze Pokdeward Here’s a feature that I felt like is an absolute life-saver and definitely should be a standard in future motherboards regardless of price – the Q-Latch and Q-Release. God knows how many times I dropped that...
Thoughts on the Maximus Z790 Apex Encore The Z790 Apex Encore is probably the biggest upgrade for the Apex motherboards so far and we can actually see better usability outside overclocking for once, as the previous Apex boards are mainly designed for overclocking and lacks a number of features...
ROG MAXIMUS Z790 DARK HERO主板7势全开,成就必胜信仰!多项黑科技加持,释放酷睿14超超超强性能! 10月21日 #ROG英特尔玩家嘉年华# 全新 #华硕Z790主板# 等你来玩儿!#新竞化 新7势#
苏宁易购为您提供华硕(ASUS)ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO主板和英特尔13代酷睿 i5-13600KF 处理器 14核20线程 单核睿频至高可达5.1Ghz 24M三级缓存 台式机CPU参数对比,让您了解华硕(ASUS)ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO主板和英特尔13代酷睿 i5-13600KF 处理器 14核20线程 单核睿频至高可