Ein fortschrittlicher Onboard-Controller bringt die Lüfter zum Stillstand, wenn die Kerntemperatur der GPU unter 55 Grad Celsius sinkt, damit du weniger anspruchsvolle Spiele in angenehmer Stille genießen kannst. Sobald die Temperaturen einen festgelegten Grenzwert übersteigen, laufen die Lüft...
PWM fan and RGB controller Visible power and operation indicators Simple magnetic mounting Dual SATA power connector Two safety fuses See less Vibrant System Lighting Magnetic Design Up to 20,000 Hours of Durability Aura Sync Black and white ...
Version 🔧CPUIntel Converged Security and Management Engine detection of the security vulnerabilities11/02/25 WINDOWS 7WINDOWS 8WINDOWS 10WINDOWS 11 Version 12.0.4Version 12.0.4Version 12.0.4Version 12.0.4 🔧CPUIntel® Processor Diagnostic Tool (Freeeware), ...
The Gamevice controller for the ROG Phone. Aloysius Low/CNET Gamevice controller: The ROG fits in the middle of the vice like device which has dual joysticks, fire triggers, bumpers, a D-pad and all the buttons you'd expect. WiGig Display Dock: Stream content wirelessly from your ROG Pho...
The app needs to be stripped down to the bare minimum. Then allow you to only install what you need, nothing more, nothing less. Performance-related profiles and fan curves should be added to the BIOS/UEFI. On ASUS motherboards the options are there, so why not on laptops?
Lightweight fan controller for ASUS laptops. Contribute to Legend0fHell/FanControlPP development by creating an account on GitHub.
FIRMWAREWINDOWS 10WINDOWS 11 NCVersion 6.0.9797.1 (UAD)*Version 6.0.9797.1 (UAD)* NCVersion 6.0.9239.1 (HDA)Version 6.0.9239.1 (HDA) 💿LANIntel I225, I226-V, LM, Killer E3100, ... Gigabyte Ethernet (2.5Gbe) Controllers28/02/25 ...
As problems with your system may cause this issue, you should look at ourtop maintenance software for your PC. If you have other suggestions or solutions, don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the comments below. More about the topics:Fan speed controller...
Downloads: 20711 Realtek RTL9210(B) NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version Downloads: 20087 Realtek High Definition Audio (HDA) R2.8x (8642) WHQL Downloads: 17871 Realtek High Definition Audio (HDA) Version R2.8x (9239.1) WHQL (2) Downloads: 17649 Mess...
The level of support for laptops is dependent on folks submitting data to include in./rog-aura/data/layouts/aura_support.ron, typically installed in/usr/share/asusd/aura_support.ron. This is because the controller used for keyboards and LEDs is used across many years and many laptop models,...