ASUS ESC8000A-E12 is a AMD EPYC™ 9004 dual-processor 4U GPU server designed for AI training, HPC and HCI and VDI with up to 8 NVIDIA GPUs, PCIe 5.0 expansion-friendly design, comprehensive cooling solutions and IT-infrastructure management.
ASUS ESC8000A-E12 is a AMD EPYC™ 9004 dual-processor 4U GPU server designed for AI training, HPC and HCI and VDI with up to 8 NVIDIA GPUs, PCIe 5.0 expansion-friendly design, comprehensive cooling solutions and IT-infrastructure management.
ASUS ESC8000A-E12 is a AMD EPYC™ 9004 dual-processor 4U GPU server designed for AI training, HPC and HCI and VDI with up to 8 NVIDIA H100 GPUs, PCIe 5.0 expansion-friendly design, comprehensive cooling solutions and IT-infrastructure management.
ASUS ESC8000A-E12 is a AMD EPYC™ 9004 dual-processor 4U GPU server designed for AI training, HPC and HCI and VDI with up to 8 NVIDIA H100 GPUs, PCIe 5.0 expansion-friendly design, comprehensive cooling solutions and IT-infrastructure management.
ESC8000A-E12 is an AMD EPYC™ 9004 dual-socket server built for the demands of enterprise AI infrastructure to deliver unprecedented performance with industry-leading GPUs, faster GPU interconnect and higher-bandwidth fabric, and supports up to eight dual-slot active or passive GPUs sc...
ESC8000A-E12 is an AMD EPYC™ 9004 dual-socket server built for the demands of enterprise AI infrastructure to deliver unprecedented performance with industry-leading GPUs, faster GPU interconnect and higher-bandwidth fabric, and supports up to eight dual-slot active or passive GPUs sc...
华硕(ASUS)ESC8000A-E12 双路CPU八卡A800机架式服务器GPU工作站4U电脑主机 2颗EPYC 9654 512G内存 1TB固态 NVIDIA Tesla A16 64G *4 完善信息 暂无报价 降价提醒 当前规格: 内存容量 64GB及以上商品介绍 完善信息 待完善 规格 查看更多 内存容量 64GB及以上 结构 机架式 ...
本页面呈现华硕(ASUS)ESC8000A-E12 双路CPU八卡A800机架式服务器GPU工作站4U电脑主机 2颗EPYC 9374F 128G内存 1TB固态 准系统 不含显卡网购指南,包括全网比价、规格参数、好价爆料,全网口碑等;什么值得买为您购买华硕(ASUS)ESC8000A-E12 双路CPU八卡A800机架式服务器G
本页面呈现华硕(ASUS)ESC8000A-E12 双路CPU八卡A800机架式服务器GPU工作站4U电脑主机 2颗EPYC 9554 256G内存 1TB固态 NVIDIA Tesla T4 16G *4网购指南,包括ASUS/华硕服务器报价、ASUS/华硕服务器价格、ASUS/华硕服务器评测、ASUS/华硕服务器怎么样、ASUS/华硕服务器图片等
发货地 江苏南京 商品类型 3C电子 、 电脑整机 、 服务器/工作站 商品关键词 ESC8000A、 E12、 深度学习、 八卡服务器、 AMDEPYC9004、 人工智能 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: 超微 CPU: 至强Xeon-铂金 OEM: 非OEM 版本: 1.0 质保: 3年 重量: 50kg 特性: 企业级 平台: 超微420GP-TNR...