让Clover兼容Secure Boot 1. 摘要 通常,因为未经修改的Clover无法兼容UEFI启动模式,为了让Windows / macOS可以共存,一般来说必须将主板引导模式切换至Legacy。这一模式将会非常明显地影响Windows的启动速度。 此外,关闭Secure Boot后,引导Windows时开机界面的Logo会被调换为默认的蓝色Windows徽标而不是主板UEFI内置的厂商L...
[Windows 11/10] How to Enter the BIOS Configuration Screen How to Restore BIOS Settings [Motherboard] How to enable or disable Secure Boot ? How to Enable/Disable Secure Boot Applicable Products: Notebook, Desktop, All-in-One PC, Gaming Handheld The primary purpose of Secure Boot is to...
主要方法: BIOS's Secure Boot menu should show Secure Boot state as "enabled" and Platform Key (PK) state as "loaded" How to disable the UEFI secure boot: Make sure the "OS Type" is "Windows UEFI" Enter "Key Management" Select "Clear Secure Boot keys" (You will have the option "In...
主要方法: BIOS's Secure Boot menu should show Secure Boot state as "enabled" and Platform Key (PK) state as "loaded" How to disable the UEFI secure boot: Make sure the "OS Type" is "Windows UEFI" Enter "Key Management" Select "Clear Secure Boot keys" (You will have the option "In...
Q6. Please be awared before you install Windows 11 or if install fail A6. 1. Please enable TPM option in UEFI BIOS. 2. Please choose UEFI windows 11 installation Disclaimer Windows 11 has not been officially released and there might be stability issues with the Insider Preview build as it...
You don’t really need these processes if you simply want to enable secure boot. However, if you want to enablesecure boot forinstalling Windows 11or upgrading to this software, you definitely need to execute these steps. Also, secure boot works better even in previous Windows versions if you...
boot---secure boot menu---os type:windows uefi boot---secure boot menu---key managemnt:delete pk 标准方法看下文 How to shut down Secure Boot on ASUS UEFI MB. Credit to romirez for the last clue I needed: set Master password on Main Tab BIOS. ...
如果你要安装win7的话,开启CSM后 安全启动选项选择 other os 保存退出即可。这个选项一般只有两个选择,一个是windows UEFI mode;一个是other os 希望以上信息能够对您有所帮助,谢谢。若以上回复还是没有帮您解决您的问题,欢迎您继续追问,您也可以登录华硕在线即时服务:http://www.asus.com.cn...
具体操作步骤如下:1、打开电脑电源,开机是持续按f2键进入BIOS界面。2、通过移动光标进入高级管理界面。3、进入界面之后找到DOCT,将其选项更改为Disable后按f10保存设置。4、再次重启电脑,再次进入BIOS界面,这次将光标移动到BOOT选项卡,找到launch CSM,将其设置为enable后按f10保存重启电脑即可。
Fast Boot 快速启动 secure boot 安全启动 CSM (修改为纯UEFI) VT-d Thunderbolt 有则先关掉,无则略过 serial port关掉,无则略过 Intel SGX (非常不建议修改此项) Intel Platform Trust CFG Lock(MSR 0xE2) ,有则先关掉,无则考虑手工解锁或调整OC配置 ...