The ASUS Update is a utility that allows you to save, manage and update the motherboard BIOS in Windows® environment.The ASUS Update utility allows you to:Save the current BIOS fileDownload the latest BIOS file from the InternetUpdate the BIOS ... ...
开机出现logo时,按F2进入BIOS界面(EZ模式),按F7键进入Advanced模式,选择boot选项卡,查看在Boot Option #1处是否能识别到硬盘,若能识别,请设置第一启动项后,F10保存并退出 若无法识别,可能是硬盘接口松了,建议断电状态下重新插一下硬盘,或重装下系统试试 ...
若是没有BIOS文件,请尝试在开机出现logo时,长按F2键进入BIOS界面,按F9恢复下默认值 若是进不去BIOS界面,建议携带设备,前往就近服务中心,由工程师进行检修 就近服务中心可在“华硕官网-服务与支持-华硕服务中心查询”进行查询
If you need to update your ASUS BIOS, EZ Update is a good utility. See this post and you can find much information about this app given byMiniTool– what ASUS EZ Update is, ASUS EZ Update download/install, and how to use ASUS EZ Update for BIOS update. On This Page : Overview of ...
In the support page, please search for [BIOS for ASUS EZ Flash Utility] or [BIOS version] file which is located in the BIOS category①, and then click [Download]② Step 2. Save BIOS file to portable storage device and start updating Before starting to use ASUS Firmware Update/EZ Flash ...
ASUS EZ Update is a utility program that can help you update your motherboard software. This utility program is developed by ASUS for its motherboard users to update software like drivers, BIOS, etc. Where can I download ASUS EZ Update?
1, 进行BIOS设定还原。进入[Save & Exit]页面, 选择[Restore Defaults]后并选择[Ok]。2. 确认开机硬盘是否正确。进入[Boot]页面,选择[Boot Option #1]并确认是否正确[选择您笔记本电脑的操作系统所使用的硬盘]。※ 注意: 若是Boot Option中没有显示任何硬盘,表示您的计算机无法正确抓取硬盘信息,...
1. 进入BIOS设定画面后,选择[Advanced]页面①。2. 选择[ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility]项目②。选择您BIOS档案放置的磁盘驱动器③,然后选择BIOS档案④。华硕计算机所使用的BIOS档案命名规则为”型号”AS.“BIOS版本”,如下范例”UX32LNAS.203”,型号为UX32LN、BIOS版本为203。※ 注意: 计算机须保持电量...
1.进入BIOS 设置画面后,使用快捷键【F7】或是鼠标点选【Advanced Mode】①进入高阶模式。 2. 进入进阶模式后,选择[Advanced]页面②。 3. 选择[ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility]项目③。 4. 选择您BIOS文件保存在的磁盘驱动器④,然后点选BIOS文件⑤。 华硕电脑所使用的BIOS文件命名规则为”型号”AS.“BIOS版本”,如...
Download BIOS On the product support site, select [Driver & Utility] tab①, and then select [BIOS & FIRMWARE] category②. Please select the Model Name③. Here you can learn more about How to check the model name, to choose the correct model name. Note: Some models may not have this...