device discovery 安卓是华硕asus官方为旗下路由器产品开发的一款设备查询app,该软件能够查看连接至家中WIFI的所有用户,无论是正在使用还是过往使用,IP、机器型号等基础信息一目了然,推荐给大家! asus device discovery简介 华硕Device Discovery是一款寻找无线路由器IP地址的APP。 华硕device discovery特征 1.扫描您的局域...
Step1. Go to either theGoogle Play Storevia the below link or scan the QR code to download the app Install the App Step 2. Open the Device Discovery app from Google Play store page or click the Device Discovery icon from your...
ASUS Device Discovery is a APP to find the IP address of wireless router. Features: 1. Scan your local area network to find ASUS WiFi router/AP/repeater 2. Con…
ASUS Device Discovery is a utility to find the IP address of wireless router. Features: 1. Scans your local area network to find ASUS routers 2. Configures you…
Step 1. Please go to iOS App Store and search for ASUS Device Discovery, or use your phone to scan the QR code to download the App. ClickGET Step 2. Open the Device Discovery app from Apple store page or click the Devi...
Asus Device Discovery程式可以用來偵測無線路由器裝置,並且讓您進入無線路由器的設定頁面進行管理。 支援的Android版本:需要Android 4.0 以上版本 如何安裝及使用Device Discovery 步驟一、請於Google商店搜尋Asus Device Discovery 或者透過以下連結或可用手機掃描QR code下載App。
Какустановитьииспользовать Device Discovery? 1. ОткройтелюбойбраузернакомпьютересОС Windows иперейдитенаофициальныйсайт ASUS ...
ASUS Device Discovery 简称:asus device discovery 产品分类:应用 领域:其它 描述:ASUS Device Discovery is a APP to find the IP address of wireless router. 企业基本信息 统一社会信用代码91310000607417881Q企业名称华硕电脑(上海)有限公司 公司类型有限责任公司(外国法人独资)法定代表人石文宏 ...
官方网站 访问 ASUS Device Discovery is a utility to find the IP address of wireless router. Features: 1. Scans your local area network to find ASUS routers 2. Configures your network to access routers 3. Open configuration website of routers...