Method 1: Update BIOS via MyASUS Type and search [MyASUS] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. (The left-side search illustration below is in Windows 11, and the right-side is Windows 10.) Note: If there is no result searched, it means your device may not install it,...
There are two operating environments to update BIOS: Update BIOS in Windows Update BIOS in BIOS Utility (by using EZ Flash tool) Since it is a little complicated to enter BIOS Utility for updating BIOS, this article will only introduce how to update BIOS in Windows....
1.开机的时候长按F2键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure Boot Control】选项,将其设定为 Disabled”2.通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”3.点击F10保存设置,重启电脑试试。
开机出现logo时,按F2进入BIOS界面(EZ模式),按F7键进入Advanced模式,选择boot选项卡,查看在Boot Option #1处是否能识别到硬盘,若能识别,请设置第一启动项后,F10保存并退出 若无法识别,可能是硬盘接口松了,建议断电状态下重新插一下硬盘,或重装下系统试试 ...
Step 3: On the new page, clickDriver & Toolsand choose the Windows operating system you are running like Windows 11 or 10. Step 4: Scroll down to theSoftware and Utilitysection and clickShow all. Find ASUS AI Suite 3 and you can see ASUS EZ Update is included. Then, click theDOWNLOAD...
Update BIOS in Windows Update BIOS in BIOS Utility (by using EZ Flash tool) Since it is a little complicated to enter BIOS Utility for updating BIOS, this article will only introduce how to update BIOS in Windows.To provide you more detailed instruction, you can also click ASUS YouTube vid...
1, 进行BIOS设定还原。进入[Save & Exit]页面, 选择[Restore Defaults]后并选择[Ok]。2. 确认开机硬盘是否正确。进入[Boot]页面,选择[Boot Option #1]并确认是否正确[选择您笔记本电脑的操作系统所使用的硬盘]。※ 注意: 若是Boot Option中没有显示任何硬盘,表示您的计算机无法正确抓取硬盘信息,...
1、首先进入BIOS界面的快捷键是F2,在开机过程中按F2进入BIOS后,首先看到的是EZ-Mode简易模式界面,这个界面上大致标明了系统性能平衡性、性能、功耗等图形信息,各项系统参数也通过图形方式展示出来,而右上角的启动菜单[Boot Priority]则可以让用户通过鼠标选择启动盘。2、在System这一栏,展示了BIOS版本...
BIOS -- Advanced Mode 2. 使用键盘方向键或者鼠标点击,切换至“Tool”选项卡,选择“ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility”进入,参考下图: BIOS -- Advanced Mode -- Tool -- ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility 3. ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility 界面如下: ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility ...
There are two operating environments to update BIOS: Update BIOS in Windows Update BIOS in BIOS Utility (by using EZ Flash tool) Since it is a little complicated to enter BIOS Utility for updating BIOS, this article will only introduce how to update BIOS in Windows....