TPM 2.0 是需要芯片和 BIOS/UEFI 固件支持的,这是硬件限制,如果一些老电脑没有 TPM 2.0,那应该怎么安装Win11? 华硕主板装Win11方法一、重装系统(推荐) 1、打开白云一键重装系统工具,点击重装系统; 2、点击原版系统选项卡,往下可以找到,并安装Microsoft Windows 11 64位(Windows11 21H2 微软官方MSDN原版系统专业版...
一:BIOS设置Secure Boot state 1. 开机后,立刻按压键盘上的“delete”键,进入BIOS [Advanced Mode],参考如下图片 2. 点选[Boot]页面,参考如下图片 3. 点选[Secure Boot]选项,参考如下图片 4. [OS Type]选项默认设置为Other OS Other OS:安全开机状态关闭 Windows UEFI mode:安全开机状态开启 5. BIOS选项设...
开机按 F8 快速选择启动项选择(U盘启动) F10 保存BIOS更改的所有设置 F7 BIOS中切换简易模式到高级模式 Tip2 黑苹果建议的BIOS设置 关闭以下选项: Fast Boot 快速启动 secure boot 安全启动 CSM (修改为纯UEFI) VT-d Thunderbolt 有则先关掉,无则略过 serial port关掉,无则略过 Intel SGX (非常不建议修改此...
步骤二:在BIOS设置界面,用左右方向键切换到Boot(启动)选项卡。 步骤三:在Boot(启动)选项卡中,用上下方向键选择Boot Device Priority(启动设备优先级),然后按回车键进入。 步骤四:在Boot Device Priority(启动设备优先级)界面,您可以看到三个选项:1st Boot Device(第一启动设备)、2nd Boot Device(第二启动设备)和...
进入BIOS,Security-Secure Boot Control设为Disabled,Boot-CSM Support设为Enabled,(没有CSM选项的机型仅支持UEFI启动)按F10 保存,插入系统安装U盘,重启按ESC选择启动项 。开始引导镜像了:1、选择语言、键盘等设置后选择:“下一步”:2、点击“现在安装”:3、安装程序正在启动:4、在验证密钥...
This way you prevent external threats that load during the boot loading process from harming your system. Secure boot is also essential if you want to install Windows 11 on your PC. You need to navigate the BIOS to enable or disable secure boot. However, the process to do so differs signi...
Q6. Please be awared before you install Windows 11 or if install fail A6. 1. Please enable TPM option in UEFI BIOS. 2. Please choose UEFI windows 11 installationDisclaimer Windows 11 has not been officially released and there might be stability issues with the Insider Preview build as it ...
Microsoft is requiring that all Windows 11 devices include TPM and Secure Boot, but is alsodrawing a line at 8th gen processors or equivalent, withsome recently announced exceptions. For some Windows users, who have been testing Windows 11 on these unsupported 6th and 7th generation pr...
具体操作步骤如下:1、打开电脑电源,开机是持续按f2键进入BIOS界面。2、通过移动光标进入高级管理界面。3、进入界面之后找到DOCT,将其选项更改为Disable后按f10保存设置。4、再次重启电脑,再次进入BIOS界面,这次将光标移动到BOOT选项卡,找到launch CSM,将其设置为enable后按f10保存重启电脑即可。
boot---secure boot menu---os type:windows uefi boot---secure boot menu---key managemnt:delete pk 标准方法看下文 How to shut down Secure Boot on ASUS UEFI MB. Credit to romirez for the last clue I needed: set Master password on Main Tab BIOS. ...