2.进到BIOS后按F9搜索Memory Context Restore,你会发现两个选项,都需要enable 3.再搜索POWER DOWN,...
进入后,你可以用方向键移动光标选择Bios设置界面上的选项,然后按Enter进入子菜单,用ESC键来返回主单,用PAGE UP和PAGE DOWN键或上下( ↑↓ )方向键来选择具体选项回车键确认选择,F10键保留并退出Bios设置。 接下来就正式进入Bios的设置了! 首先我们会看到(如图) 一.Main(标准设定) 此菜单可对基本的系统配置进行...
F GAMING BIOS Manual 3 BIOS Setup 1.1 Knowing BIOS The new ASUS UEFI BIOS is a Unified Extensible Interface that complies with UEFI architecture, offering a user-friendly interface that goes beyond the traditional keyboard- only BIOS controls to enable a more flexible and convenient mouse input....
Note: If the BIOS configuration does not include a VMD option, it means your device does not support this feature. Please continue to the next chapter for troubleshooting. Within the [Enable VMD controller] section④, select an option that differs from your current configuration⑤. (For ...
ASUS BIOS features user-friendly interfaces and exclusive mouse control, enabling easier management of individual PCs Green Der Umwelt zuliebe ASUS verpflichtet sich, eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu schaffen, und hält sich an strenge Umweltauflagen, die sicherstellen, dass alle Produkte in allen Phasen...
BIOS Timer [0]Secure Erase mode [Simulated]Force Secure Erase [Disabled]MEBx hotkey Pressed [Disabled]MEBx Selection Screen [Disabled]Hide Unconfigure ME Confirmation Prompt [Disabled]MEBx OEM Debug Menu Enable [Disabled]Unconfigure ME [Disabled]Non-UI Mode Resolution [Auto]UI Mode Reso...
This way is given by ASUS to fix ASUS motherboard stuck on logo. You need to go to the BIOS menu to see if the boot order is correct. Step 1: Power off your laptop. If your ASUS laptop won’t boot past ASUS screen and gets stuck on it, force shut down – press and hold the...
3.2 BIOS 設置程序 BIOS 設置程序可以讓您更改 BIOS 的設置值,當您啟動電腦,系統仍在自我測試 (POST,Power-On Self Test)時,按下 Del 鍵,就可以進入設置程序,如果您 超過時間才按 Del 鍵,則 POST 程序會自動繼續運行啟動測試。在這種情況下, 如果您仍然需要運行設置程序,請按下 Ctrl + Alt + Delete 鍵或...
BUPDATER 先確認文件,然後開始升級 BIOS。 ASUS Tek. EzFlash Utility Current Platform New Platform Platform : Z10PC-D8 Platform : Z10PC-D8 Version : 0020 Version : 0022 Build date: 12/04/2014 Build date: 01/01/2015 Start Programming Flash. DO NOT SHUTDOWN THE SYSTEM!!! Write 75% 當更新...
华硕bios设定方式说明(ASUSBIOSconfigurationmode description) ASUSBIOSconfigurationmodedescription BIOS(basicinputoutputsystem)istheprogramthatisburned onthemainboardFlashROMatthefactory.Itactsasthe communicationlinkbetweenhardwareandoperatingsystem. ThroughBIOS,itcansettheoperatingmodeofthesystemand therelatedparameters...