advanced标签中sata configration回车进入,如有识别硬盘设备,Security-Secure Boot Control设为Disabled,Boot-Launch CSM 设为Enabled,按F10保存后,重启按ESC选择启动项重装系统。如没有识别硬盘设备,可以送修服务中心
When I look at my boot options in the BIOS, the only option listed isn't an actual hard drive. I have an ASUS RYUO AIO CPU Cooler which has a screen on it, so the device technically has 4 MB of storage, and it shows that as a boot option. My only 2 listed options are the ...
The article contains many effective and simple ways to solve the problem of “ASUS laptop BIOS not detecting hard drive”. Why does it happen? Naturally, the problem can be either in the hard drive itself or in the connection. With the SATA hard drive, it can simply be a physically damag...
也可在WINDOWS10系统中“开始”——设置——恢复——高级启动——疑难解答——UEFI固件设置,然后机器会重启进入BIOS设置界面。 3、首先我们进入华硕主板BIOS界面,看到的就是下方画面,该界面显示了主板基本信息,CPU信息和内存内存,还有温度、电压和风扇温度等等,一般情况下我们更多的是点击右上角的【退出/高级模式】进入...
在Hard Drive BBS Priorities下,找到你的固态硬盘(通常标有SSD字样或品牌型号)旁边的下拉菜单,从中选择你的固态硬盘作为BOOT OPTION #1。 设置完成后,按下F10键保存更改并退出BIOS。 系统将会重新启动,此时你应该能够从你设置的硬盘启动系统。 如果在BIOS中没有找到"Boot Option Priorities",可能需要先打开Compatibility...
※ Before you start using the Cloud Recovery, please fix the UEFI BIOS time. If UEFI BIOS time is not the current time, Cloud Recovery may not be available. 2.1 Consumer Notebook When booting, please press the keyboard key [F2] to enter the UEFI BIOS configuration screen, please first co...
1、首先我们把电脑重启,重启时不断的按bios快捷键,具体快捷键可以去查询相应的型号,在进入界面后可以按下f7进入到高级模式。电脑 2、在高级模式,可以按方向键把它移动到启动选项上,在这里选择安全启动菜单,接着回车进入密钥管理清除密钥关闭安全启动。3、然后返回到安全启动菜单选项,然后将系统类型改...
Reconnect the adapter or power cord, then press the power button to verify if the device can boot up normally.If you have tried the previous solutions and are still unable to resolve the booting issue, you can attempt to use the BIOS recovery mode to update the BIOS in your device. Here...
1,如果中毒了就按我说的来。2,下载腾讯电脑管家“8.3”最新版,对电脑首先进行一个体检,打开所有防火墙避免系统其余文件被感染。3,打开杀毒页面开始查杀,切记要打开小红伞引擎。4,如果普通查杀不能解决问题,您可以打开腾讯电脑管家---工具箱---顽固木马专杀- 进行深度 扫描。5,查杀处理完所有...