AX3000 Dual Band WiFi 6 (802.11ax) Router supporting MU-MIMO and OFDMA technology, with AiProtection Classic network security powered by Trend Micro™
AX3000 Dual Band WiFi 6 (802.11ax) Router supporting MU-MIMO and OFDMA technology, with AiProtection Classic network security powered by Trend Micro™ New-Gen WiFi Standard – Supporting 802.11ax WiFi standard for better efficiency and throughput. Ultra-fast WiFi Speed – RT-AX57 supports 1024...
The ASUS RT-AX57 Go is a dual-band AX3000 router powered by adual-core 1.3GHz CPUpaired with 512MB of RAM, ensuring smooth operation even under heavy loads. ASUS claims the router can support a Wireguard VPN connection up to 300Mbps which is decent for a compact router. Notably, the ...
值得一提是TUF GAMING AX3000的5G芯片是来自博通的BCM43684,支持4x4 160Hz信道,1024-QAM调制速率,在80Hz信道时也可以上4x4 MU-MIMO哦。最高可达4.8Gbps速率,但是从包装或者华硕对外宣传上将这款TUF GAMING AX3000的5G速率最高为2.4Gbps,可能最初华硕设计的时候就通过固件限制了芯片性能,当然这也给DIY玩家预留了后...
ASUS RT-AX3000 Dual Band WiFi Router, WiFi 6, 802.11ax, Lifetime Internet Security, support AiMesh Whole-home WiFi, 4 x 1Gb LAN ports, USB 3.0, MU-MIMO, OFDMA, VPN 4.6 stars out of 264 reviews (4.6)|26...
搭载博通四核处理器,双频并发高达3000Mbps,支持160MHz大频宽~ 拼多多此款目前活动售价378元,满100减1元,到手价377元,近期好价。 传输速度快:外形外观:特色八爪鱼,加上败家之眼的信仰,貌似游戏加成比较高,操作简单方便,手机电脑都可以进行设置,穿墙效果两堵墙没问题,信号基本满格,衰减很小,采用Wi-Fi6这个速度非常...
AX3000 Dual Band WiFi 6 (802.11ax) Travel Router, support 4G & 5G mobile tethering & public Wi-Fi (WISP) mode, subscription-free network security, comprehensive VPN features, easy setup, AiMesh support, guest portal, wall mount Tri-mode connectivity for travel, work, and home with 4G/5G ...
AX3000 Dual Band WiFi 6 (802.11ax) Router supporting MU-MIMO and OFDMA technology, with AiProtection Classic network security powered by Trend Micro™ New-Gen Wi-Fi Standard – Supporting 802.11ax Wi-Fi standard for better efficiency and throughput. Ultra-fast Wi-Fi Speed – RT-AX57 support...
ASUS 华硕RT-AX57 AX3000双频WiFi 6路由器支持MU-MIMO和OFDMA技术图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
商品名称:华硕(ASUS)路由器RT-AX57双频WiFi6 千兆游戏电竞路由器AX3000M 游戏加速 居家办公 穿墙路由 OP DIYB 【青春版】华硕RT-AX57M 商品编号:10097050985135 店铺:京东电竞官方旗舰店 货号:RT-AX57 散热方式:自然散热 VPN虚拟专网:不支持VPN虚拟专网 ...