ASUS RT-AC1500G PLUS high power gigabit wireless router delivers incredible performance and coverage range. With ASUSWRT UI, quickly setup your network, customize user access, and monitor signal strength. ASUS Router APP Control Your Network Anywhere ...
RT-AC1500G PLUS 配備四個 Gigabit LAN 連接埠,可同時連線智慧型電視、遊戲主機、機上盒、媒體播放器、NAS 儲存裝置等產品現在都能擁有專用連接埠,並且完全支援中華電信MOD,使 RT-AC1500G PLUS 成為家中的無延遲媒體中心。 專為線上遊戲和 HD 串流最佳化 ASUS QoS 在有線及無線連線上確保輸入和輸出頻寬,而您...
"The Asus RT-AC86U is a fast AC2900 dual band router that's equipped with the latest networking technology and is loaded with gamer optimization and network protection features." The ExpertWiFi may look like a conventional mesh Wi-Fi system. But its business-class app provides versatile net...
RT-AC1500G PLUS ASUS Store 春季促銷 ☛ 點擊看活動詳情 3/1-3/31 「LINE購物」下單,贈送點數紅包 ☛ 點擊看活動詳情 600 Mbps (2.4GHz) 和 867 Mbps (5GHz) 提供快速的無線效能。 4 x Gigabit LAN 連接埠 速度最高比 100 Base-T 乙太網路連線快 10 倍。
網通產品 / IoT / 伺服器 無線路由器 ASUS WiFi 路由器 RT-AC1500G PLUS 購物和學習 手機/ 電競掌機 智慧手機 筆記型電腦 家用 商用 學生 電競 台銀辦理政府採購 顯示器 / 桌上型電腦 顯示器/顯示器配件 投影機 All-in-One PCs 桌上型電腦 Mini PCs 工作站 配件 智慧眼鏡 主機板 ...
電腦周邊設備,一站購足就在華碩官方商城搭載 MU-MIMO 和監護人控制功能的 AC1500 雙頻 WiFi 路由器,享受順暢的 Youtube 和 Netflix 4K 串流影片RT-AC1500G PLUS
RT-AC1500G PLUS Find Another Model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Register Product Driver & Utility FAQ Manual & Document Warranty FAQ Need Help? Email Us Find service locations [...
RT-AC1500G PLUSFind Another Model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Upgrade Warranty:Here. * Please note that the availability of the Premium Care product lines might differ by country. ...
RT-AC1500G PLUSFind Another Model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Upgrade Warranty:Here. * Please note that the availability of the Premium Care product lines might differ by country. ...
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