可是这价格,我不得不一直给自己洗脑,有4根5dB天线啊,是路由之王华硕啊,各种 遂11.11入手AC1200GU 特别说明:AC1200GU比旧款AC1200多了有线千兆。 经验1:别以为有线1000M口,你家没有NAS就用不上,因为有线1000M是有线100M的10倍带宽,所以需要配备更快的CPU和更大的内存来处理,所以即便你平时的业务量不大,...
华硕1200GU_淘宝搜索 http://s.taobao.com/search?q=%E5%8D%8E%E7%A1%951200GU&commend=all&ssid=s5-e&search_type=item&sourceId=tb.index&spm=a21bo.50862.201856-taobao-item.1&ie=utf8&initiative_id=tbindexz_20161009&app=detailproduct&through=1 去看看 侧面是包装配件和产品参数: RT-AC1200GU体...
(http://support.asus.com) to get the latest GPL tarball.It has a lot in common with many wireless router open source projects, including Oleg/Tomato/DD-WRT/OpenWRT. Thanks the developers of those projects for making the source code available. Set Up Environment(Tested in Fedora 8/9 and ...
.tar.bz2 directory to /opt - add /opt/openwrt-gcc463.mips.mesh/bin to your path - If you want to build small utilities out of asuswrt box, add STAGING_DIR environment variable as below: export STAGING_DIR=/opt/openwrt-gcc463.mips.mesh Others: (For example, RT-AC55U, 4G-AC55U....
- add /opt/openwrt-gcc463.mips.mesh/bin to your path - If you want to build small utilities out of asuswrt box, add STAGING_DIR environment variable as below: export STAGING_DIR=/opt/openwrt-gcc463.mips.mesh Others: (For example, RT-AC55U, 4G-AC55U.) ...
The GPL source is created for ASUS wireless router related products. Please visit the ASUS support site (http://support.asus.com) to get the latest GPL tarball.It has a lot in common with many wireless router open source projects, including Oleg/Tomato/DD-WRT/OpenWRT. Thanks the developers...
(http://support.asus.com) to get the latest GPL tarball.It has a lot in common with many wireless router open source projects, including Oleg/Tomato/DD-WRT/OpenWRT. Thanks the developers of those projects for making the source code available. Set Up Environment(Tested in Fedora 8/9 and ...
{{ message }} ExtremeFiretop / asuswrt-merlin.ng-1 Public forked from RMerl/asuswrt-merlin.ng Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights
.tar.bz2 directory to /opt - add /opt/openwrt-gcc463.mips.mesh/bin to your path - If you want to build small utilities out of asuswrt box, add STAGING_DIR environment variable as below: export STAGING_DIR=/opt/openwrt-gcc463.mips.mesh Others: (For example, RT-AC55U, 4G-AC55U....