Langley and a German-Japanese mother, Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu. In addition, she also has a step-mother, Langley's second wife. She is a child prodigy and has earned a university degree in an unspecified field as a teenager; she also speaks fluent Japanese, but has trouble reading and ...
↑Miyamura had also insisted on Shikinami and Sohryu being separate charactersin earlier opportunities. ↑"We weren't aware of the timeskip initially" I was told to completely forget about Sohryu's existance" "We're not yet done playing Asuka or Rei-Miyamuraon Hayashibara'sTokyo Boogie Night, ...
SohryuAsukaLangley,没事做点好看的小标本只要是发过的都可以出售 顺带分享下自己每天的小日常 vx联系方式18090911294(注明来意) 闲鱼小店ID小鲤鱼坐飞机。SohryuAsukaLangley的微博主页、个人资料、相册。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿。