(PS:一般一学期可以修最多18个学分最少12学分,所以三学期可以修36学分到54学分左右。此课表中只有这五门课是算作general course,因此pathway的三学期其实只修了一学期的大学学分)我最不能忍的是其中的summer课程,作为这个项目的学生暑假不能回国!!!(就目前得到的消息)如果是真的不能回国,那么你就得忍受在AZ的...
跟姐姐文章Date,Location and Cost介绍内容"Week 2:June 10-14 West Campus$375".(网上注册六月十号开始的领导能力课程,付375美元)结合本段中"For registering on http://leadaz.org/summer-program/,LSA is providing you with a discount of $25.(在网上注册的话,有折扣25美元)可知,如果你6月10前在...
结合题干关键词"leadership course "可以定位第一个黑体字部分。结合本部分中"Date,Location and Cost"下的内容"Week 2:June 10-14 West Campus $375",网上注册六月十号开始的领导能力课程,付375美元。结合本段中“For registering on http://leadaz.org/summer-program/,LSA is providing you with a ...
结合题干关键词"leadership course "可以定位第一个黑体字部分。结合本部分中"Date,Location and Cost"下的内容"Week 2:June 10-14 West Campus $375",网上注册六月十号开始的领导能力课程,付375美元。结合本段中"For registering on /://leadaz.org/summer-program/,LSA is providing you with a discount ...
(LSA)has created a fun leadership program based on 25 years of professional development research conducted at ASU.For registering on http://leadaz.org/summer-program/,LSA is providing you with a discount of 25.Date,Location and CostWeek 1:May 28-June 1 Tempe Campus $350Week 2:June 10-...
结合题干关键词“leadership course”可 以定位到第一个黑体字部分。 结合本部分中“Date,Lo- cation and Cost"下的内容"Week 2: June 10-14 West CampusS 375 ” ,网上注册六月十号开始的领导能力课 程,付375美元。 结合“For registering on http://lead- az. org/summer program/. LSA is providing ...
The Leadership Society of Arizona (LSA) has created a fun leadership program based on 25 years of professional development research conducted at ASU. For egistering on http://leadaz.org/summer-program/, LSA is providing you with a discount of \25.Date Location and Cost ...