ASU has used online instruction, technology tools and satellite campuses to increase enrollment, all measures Christ is considering for Berkeley. The UC system is vowing to add at least 20,000 more students by 2030. Students attend a hybrid program of online instruction and in-person classes at ...
可在研究生专业搜索(Graduate Degree Search)中找到ASU录取最低要求、项目的录取要求、申请材料和申请时间表。 英语能力要求* 成绩需达到下述其中一项要求:• 网考托福(TOEFL)成绩:80分• 雅思(IELTS)成绩:6.5分• 培生学术英语考试(PTE)成绩:60分 *有些专业需要更高的英语水平测试...