calc_zone_prod_attr() Calculate zone-to-zone accessibility matrix by centroid-to-centroid straight-line distance Users need to input the latitude value of the area of interest. A latitude of 30 degrees is selected as the default. On the other hand, users can customize the accessibility matrix...
# Calculate zone-to-zone od distance matrixnet.calc_zone_od_distance_matrix() Apply gravity model to perform trip distribution Users need to input the trip purpose and the friction factor coefficients. The default values of HBW, HBO and NHB are described above. ...
}//计算总评和等级voidcalc(STU s[],intn) {inti;for(i=0;i<n;i++) { s[i].total=s[i].perf*0.2+s[i].mid*0.2+s[i].final*0.6;if(s[i].total>=90) strcpy(s[i].level,"优");//注意:等级是字符型数组,要使用strcpy完成赋值elseif(s[i].total>=80&& s[i].total<90) strcpy(s...