def test_reproject_celestial_slices_2d(): header_in = fits.Header.fromtextfile(get_pkg_data_filename('../../tests/data/gc_ga.hdr')) header_out = fits.Header.fromtextfile(get_pkg_data_filename('../../tests/data/gc_eq.hdr')) array_in = np.ones((700, 690)) wcs_in = WCS(...
astropy.wcs WCS allows slices of the form slice(None, x, y), which previously resulted in an unsliced copy being returned [#2909] Invalid or out of range values passed to wcs_world2pix will now be correctly identified and returned as nan values. [#2965] Fixed an issue which meant ...
astropy.wcs API Changes astropy.config astropy.constants astropy.convolution astropy.coordinates astropy.cosmology astropy.extern astropy.modeling astropy.nddata astropy.samp astropy.stats astropy.table ...
astropy.wcs Upgraded the included wcslib to version 5.16. [#6225] The minimum required version of wcslib in is 5.14. API Changes astropy.analytic_functions This entire sub-package is deprecated because blackbody has been moved to astropy.modeling.blackbody. [#6191] astropy.convolution Major ...