This is a fits file from Use astropy to read image, the WCS grid is cartesian Use DS9 to read image, the WCS grid is curved WCS Keywords Number of WCS axes: 3 CTYPE : 'RA--CAR' 'DEC-CAR' 'VOPT' CRVAL : 69.9875...
I don't see any traceback provided above, but this is what I see with astropy >>> wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(header) WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: The WCS transformation has more axes (4) than the image it is associated with (3) [astropy.wcs.wcs] WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: 'o...
header_out['NAXIS1'] = 600 self.header_out['NAXIS2'] = 550 self.array_in = np.ones((100, 100)) self.wcs_in = WCS(self.header_in) self.wcs_out = WCS(self.header_out) 浏览完整代码 来源 项目:barentsen/reproject 示例26 def fermi_galactic_center(): """Fermi...
astropy.wcs Update the _naxis{x} attributes when calling WCS.slice. [#5411] Other Changes and Additions The bundled ERFA was updated to version 1.3.0. This includes the leap second planned for 2016 Dec 31. [#5418] 1.0.10 (2016-06-09) Bug Fixes astropy.coordinates SkyCoord objects ...
The naxis1 and naxis2 attributes and the get_naxis method of astropy.wcs.WCS, which were deprecated in astropy 0.2, have been removed. Use the shape of the underlying FITS data array instead. [#2386] Misc The astropy.setup_helpers and astropy.version_helpers modules are deprecated; any...
Fixed Cutout2D output WCS NAXIS values to reflect the cutout image size. [#7552] astropy.table Fixed a bug in add_columns method where rename_duplicate=True would cause an error if there were no duplicates. [#7540] astropy.tests Fixed bug in python test --coverage on Windows...