writeto('read_modify_and_exported_checksum.fits', checksum=True, overwrite=True) show_checksums('read_modify_and_exported_checksum.fits') Running this on main gives: --- Original, export without checksum No checksum keywords found --- Original, export with checksum ZHECKSUM= 'M1PqM1OnM1On...
I have used astroquery to download a table from Vizier but when I try to write out the table I get the error: File "/Users/rgm/anaconda2/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/card.py", line 990, in _format_image 'too long'.format(self.keyword)) ValueError: The ...
With pyfits or astropy.io.fits so far I could only read everything to memory add new row and then write it back. Example. I create fits file like this: import numpy, pyfits data = numpy.array([1.0]) col = pyfits.Column(name='index', format='E', array=data) cols =...
rad, u.rad)) f = g.transform_to(FK5) ra, dec = f.ra.rad, f.dec.rad map = hp.get_interp_val(map, np.pi / 2 - dec, ra, nest) hp.write_map('test_gal.hpx', map, nest=nest, coord='G', fits_IDL=False) 浏览完整代码 来源:make_test_gal.py 项目:ChrisBeaumont/toasty...
pyfits==3.5 PyInstaller==3.5 PyPubSub==3.3.0 pytest==3.6.4 pywin32==225 pywin32-ctypes==0.2.0 PyYAML==5.1.2 requests==2.22.0 serial==0.0.97 six==1.12.0 urllib3==1.25.6 whichcraft==0.6.1 Does anybody know how to fix this? I googled around but the answers I found ...
ebv = dust.getval(l, b) imshow(ebv, aspect='auto', norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm()) """ ngp_filename = get_pkg_data_filename("data/SFD_dust_4096_ngp.fits") sgp_filename = get_pkg_data_filename("data/SFD_dust_4096_sgp.fits") # convert input coordinate to Galactic frame gal ...
This is an alternative to #17205, which optimizes the checksum calculation within numpy itself, by realizing that the routine taken from FITS is just a very complicated way to add unsigned int 32 t...
TST: ascii.write(outtab, format='mrt') doctest failed in remote data job Bug Docs testing #12543 opened 4 days ago by pllim 5 Tests failing with numpy-dev due to Typing Bug numpy-dev units #12510 opened 13 days ago by mhvk 2 ...
hdul.insert(1, fits.ImageHDU()) hdul.flush() Member eerovaherMar 5, 2024 It's not obvious introducing a helper function like this is the correct thing to do. astropy/units/tests/test_format.pyOutdated Comment on lines51to52 print(string) ...
fits] FAILED tests/correctors/test_sffcorrector.py::test_sff_nan_centroids - TypeError: no implementation found for 'numpy.in1d' on types that implement __array_fu... FAILED tests/seismology/test_butler.py::test_asteroseismology - TypeError: cannot write to unmasked output === 9 failed, 315...