cable, inserting the camera's memory card into the computer, or using built-in wifi features if your camera has them. how do i take better portraits with my digital camera? to take better portraits, use a wide aperture (lower f-stop number) for a shallow depth of field, focus on the...
I will typically have all of my hiking and backpacking gear ready to go, then I have my camera gear packed in a camera insert. This technique is a mileage-may-vary type of thing. I know many who prefer to hike with minimal camera gear and just wrap their gear in clothes so it stays...
ISO refers to how light sensitive the film in your camera is. In modern digital cameras, it refers to the sensitivity of the sensor in the camera to light. Higher ISO settings will result in brighter images, but they will also increase the graininess of your images. For astrophotography, yo...
ISO refers to how light sensitive the film in your camera is. In modern digital cameras, it refers to the sensitivity of the sensor in the camera to light. Higher ISO settings will result in brighter images, but they will also increase the graininess of your images. For astrophotography, yo...
DSLR astrophotography is gaining popularity across the globe, as modern digital cameras make the hobby so much easier than it used to be in the days of film. I’ve been shooting with Canon DSLR cameras for many years, but modern DSLR and mirrorless camera bodies by Nikon, Sony, Pentax, an...
In order to try and roughly match the image area of a 6×6 film camera (approx. 55mm x 55mm depending on the camera) with the smaller full frame sensor (36mm x 24mm) we need a minimum of 8 images total with 50% overlap, (4 images in 2 rows) in in order to achieve an ...
with a 17.5" Jerry Wilkerson re-figured mirror in it. That was changed to a full sized 18" mirror later. The cameras used was a thrift store box camera in 1971, Olympus OM-1 and a Mamiya RZ-67 medium format camera. Various lenses were used by the OM-1 and RZ-67 bodies for ...
Presents tips on the selection of single-lens reflex (SLR) camera to use in film astrophotography. Essential features of SLR camera for astophotography; Additional features of SLR models which could enhance the astrophotography work; Evaluation of several SLR cameras.Covington...
Includes simple projects which can be carried out with just a camera and tripod, as well as more advanced material - up to introductory research-level, for example, variable-star photometry 目录 Preface Part I. DSLRs for Astrophotography: ...
Now astrophotography is more accessible than ever. The technology has improved, the equipment is cheaper and the community has grown. To get started all you really need is a decent digital camera with manual controls and a tripod. Making your first images of the Milky Way may forever change ...