Astronomy Today, 9th Edition by Eric Chaisson, Steve McMillan. For courses in Introductory Astronomy. Connects introductory astronomy to a broad understanding of the universe In this Ninth Edition of Astronomy Today ,
I just didn’t seem to have enough cash in my pocket today. Spruce Pine, North Carolina: How It became a part of astronomy history via The Chestnut Flats Mine, due to the incredibly pure Quartz which was used in the manufacture of the first 200-Inch Hale Telescope mirror. As mentioned...
So many named dwarves, we'll run out of names for geologically active planets in the outer solar system. At S&T today: "...So JWST has uncovered evidence that Pluto and Triton are not alone in having youthful surfaces that have been refreshed by geologic processes: Eris and Makemake have ...
Today’s picture showed “trees” growing on Mars. Chuck brought the picture up on his lap top. The shadows and rocks sure looked like trees but were only shadows. He then brought up the December 25th picture. It showed the Milky Way across the sky between Mount Shasta and Mount Lassen....
This is my first edition of "Heavenly Backyard Astronomy". In this video, my target was the CRAB NEBULA in the constellation Taurus the Bull which is the remnant of an exploding star (supernova) that occurred in 1054. What we see today is the outgassing of that explosion. It is about ...