『Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive』http://t.cn/A6ZLWNxV 一个 The Blinking eyes,一个At the core of M15 一个公历,一个阴历 星系中眼睛里的瞳仁里好像水母耶 宇宙的创造真的好神奇啊 若差一毫,...
First, notice the sunset/sunrise colors in the photo. Notice how close to the horizon the moon and sun are. This simply wasn’t possible on April 8. The eclipse began at sea southwest of Mexico, so there would’ve been no land from which to shoot a sunrise shot. Likewise, the eclip...
The population of planets smaller than approximately 1.7 Earth radii (R⊕) is widely interpreted as consisting of rocky worlds, generally referred to as super-Earths. This picture is largely corroborated by radial velocity mass measurements for close-in super-Earths but lacks constraints at lower...
In that case, a clear picture of density does not emerge with present-day data, and the different theoretical models cannot easily be falsified18 unless the planetary masses are constrained using theoretical arguments, such as the output of a planet formation model15,19,20. In the case of ...
lots of interesting details regarding the analemmas of other planets, the contributions of the two factors that go into the Equation of Time, why some analemmas are figure-8s while some aren't, and the supposed "moon analemmas" that have appeared on the Astronomy Picture of the Day. I...
Neutral-atomic and molecular outflows are a common occurrence in galaxies, near and far. They operate over the full extent of their galaxy hosts, from the
During these perturbations, the eccentricity of the Moon could have reached 0.2, and hence, the simple picture invoked by classic studies of the two-body Earth–Moon system may be invalid (and that there may have been epochs in Earth history during which the Moon rotated super-synchronously)....
A time-resolved picture of our Milky Way’s early formation history ArticleOpen access23 March 2022 A dormant overmassive black hole in the early Universe ArticleOpen access18 December 2024 Main In the hierarchicalΛcold dark matter cosmological model (whereΛis a term equivalent to a cosmological...
However, non-detections of Ti and TiO at the day–night terminator of WASP-121b complicate this picture13,14,15,16, as these gases should also form condensates such as perovskite and TiO2 on the nightside27,28,29. It would be surprising if Ti-bearing condensates are efficiently cold ...
NGC 2808 has at least five different populations (Milone et al.2015b; Carretta et al.2015). NGC 2419, a very massive cluster with a very large apocenter distance, also shares many characteristics of the chromosome map with NGC 2808, as suggested by the very recent study by Zennaro et ...