Astronomy and astrophysics are the study of objects and phenomena that are found beyond our solar system. This combines theoretical simulations and observation with both terrestrial and space-craft-borne instruments of the electromagnetic radiation and high-energy particles emitted by celestial bodies. ...
Scientometric Analysis of Astronomy and Astrophysics Research in India: A Study based on Web of ScienceSatish KumarR. Senthilkumar
Requires high-school level math and physics understanding. This is one of four courses that make up ANUx’s first-year astrophysics program (Astrophysics XSeries on edX), that you can take in any order you want. The others are: Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe (18-36 hours) Astr...
reflect the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Inter-University Centre for Astronomy an...
Gray, M Maser Sources in Astrophysics. (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012). Johns, K. P., Cragg, D. M., Godfrey, P. D. & Sobolev, A. M. Class II maser candidates in substituted methanol: CH3 OD, 13 CH3 OH, CH318 OH and CH3 SH. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 300, 999–1005 (199...
the growth and deve1opment of astronomy and astrophysics in india and the asia pacific regionWayne Orchiston Aniket Sule Mayank Vahia
The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), located in the city of Pune in India, is an autonomous institution under the University Grants Commission (UGC). It is a centre of excellence for research in astronomy and astrophysics (A&A) and related areas. It also serves...
The Development of Modern Astronomy and Emergence of Astrophysics in IndiaThe second half of the nineteenth century saw a blossoming of interest in solar eclipses as astronomers tried to establish whether the corona was a solar, lunar or terrestrial phenomenon, and as they investigated the nature ...
and Pathak, S.K. ( 2008 ), “ Use of electronic journals in astronomy and astrophysics libraries and information centers in India: a users' perspective ”, The International Information & Library Review , Vol. 40 No. 3, pp. 153 ‐ 164 . [] []...
Deshpande, Neela J and S K Pathak. "Use of Electronic Journals in Astronomy and Astrophysics Libraries and Information Centres in India: A Users' Perspective." The International Information & Library Review 40 (2008): 153-164.Deshpande, N.J. and Pathak, S.K. ( 2008 ), “ Use of ...