A Helm chart to install Apache Airflow on Kubernetes - airflow-chart/values.yaml at 06dfde0a48edeeb2036c38215893d299cb2f84ae · astronomer/airflow-chart
["message"]) raise AirflowException(msg) if "status" in event and event["status"] == "success": self.log.info( event["message"], ) return event["return_value"] def get_openlineage_facets_on_start(self): """ Default extractor method that OpenLineage will call on execute comple...
docker-context-files !constraints # Avoid triggering context change on README change (new companies using Airflow) # So please do not uncomment this line ;) # !README.md # Run tests command with bash completion !.bash_completion !.bash_completion.d # Setup/version config...
.vscode/extensions.json /.vite/ .pnpm-store *.tsbuildinfo # Airflow log files when airflow is run locally airflow-*.err airflow-*.out airflow-*.log airflow-*.pid .airflow_db_initialised # mypy .mypy_cache/ .dmypy.json dmypy.json # Needed for CI Dockerfile.ci ...