Landing platforms on boats SpaceX style a maybe. Submarines would be amazing.-Power distribution and prioritization need to be looked at.-Maps would be cool and would need to be printed.-Drones would be neat, "no promises"-Security camera system? Not sure what this was about. Possibly ...
Resin is a common resource that you can use for base building. Collect resin, take it back to your base, and click on the cylinder on the base of your pod to use it to expand your base. Other resources include: Hydrazine: Turns into rocket fuel, good for trading in the trading platf...
All you will have at first is an empty backpack with a base and a landing pad, interact with the pad by pressing and select the green button with or by hovering the cursor over it and pressing , this will drop a platform, printer, and Oxygenator. Place the Oxygenator onto the open ...
The most fun, as well as the confusing part of the game, is to use the terrain shaper that is holstered to your character. On the Xbox, Press X to deploy and holster your terrain shaping tool. When using the terrain shaper, the right joystick is used for aiming the terrain shaping to...