Of course, many movies are about space, andastronauts love to debatethe best science fiction movies. Scott Kelly and Dr. Kjell Lindgren praisedApollo 13for its characters andGravityfor the realism of its space station. Spacewalking Is Exciting, But They Have To Rehearse First ...
and to even test the design out before actually making anything. “There’s a lot more capable tools and technology to get the job done——a lot more knowledge, as well,” said Joe Kosmo. Kosmo helped design, develop, and test suits during the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and shutt...
US astronauts onboard the Apollo 11 mission, 9 were the first humans to land on the moon in July 1969, ate freeze-dried chicken and rice during their trip 10 space. If we want to land on and explore Mars, we have to find a sustainable food source for long-term space explorations....