decked out in an appropriate costume. The story on the inside panels is easy for beginning readers, and direct enough for pre-schoolers to understand when the book is read aloud to them. There are bright color illustrations on every page. When closed, the book presents an attractive, layered...
"Bookaboo" follows a little puppy puppet who's on tour as a famous rock drummer — but he can't go onstage until he's had a story read to him. The eight-episode first season came out all at once on Amazon's streaming service, and features celebrities reading to the puppy backstage....
Students might first read the news story to themselves; then you might call on individual students to read sections of the news aloud for the class. Photocopy the news story onto a transparency and project it onto a screen. (Or use your classroom computer's projector to project the story.)...
The garden was only the beginning; it had potential for perfection, but it wasn’t God’s plan for creation fully realized––not yet. Genesis is not the end of the story. As image bearers of God, there is still hope for the completion of the story and the fullness...