Find out your personality, special talent and character by date of birth based on Tamil numerology, known as en jothidam and en kanitha sothidam. Although numerology is not part of Tamil astrology, En jothidam along with nakshatra based names are recommended by Tamil astrologers. ...
Birth Horoscope Provide accurate details for the most precise report. Name Gender Birth Date Birth Month Birth Year Birth Hour Birth Minute Birth AM/PM Birth Location Show my horoscopeTamil Jathagam Thirumana Porutham Tamil Marriage Bio Data Numerology Baby Names Jathagam Book Tamil Astrologer ...
Birth Chart is known as Rasi Chart or Natal Chart. Most of the Vedic astrologers following this Rasi chart to analyze future predictions of life. A birth chart represented by various names such Kundli or Jathakam or Jathaka or Rasi circle or Rasi chart.
The tool Sade Sati lets you know if you are undergoing the 71/2 period of Saturn in your birth chart and appropriate predictions for your Moon sign. Hora Watch is a tool that displays the present Hora, the ruling planet, and deity to be worshipped during the Hora. Horoscope matching is...
Planets and Zodiac Signs in Tamil Astrology Tamil Astrology has different names of planets. According to Tamil Astrology the Sun, which is the most powerful planet is called Surya. Astrology tells us that Surya symbolises serenity and wisdom. In Tamil Astrology, the mighty Surya governs Simmam ...
Nalla neram today 26-01-2025 Online astrology by Harikesanallur Venkatraman, leading astrologer in tamil nadu, India, find Auspicious day and about the day
A short version in Tamil and Englisch is available under the Titel Reformed Sanathan Calendar. In this calendar, the uttarāyanam coincides with the winter solstice. (http://www. [25] Dikshit, Bharatiya Jyotish Sastra, p. 129; Sengupta in: Burgess, ...
Available Languages:EnglishTamilHindi The friendly planet of Jupiter is going to transit from its current sign of Aries to Taurus on May 1. It will remain there till May 14, 2025. This transit will influence career, marriage, wealth and other aspects of life. Know in detail about these chan...
Nakshatra Names: Some attributes, significances and qualities, importance are briefed below: Importance of Nakshatra in Astrology: Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha, and Uttarbhadrapada are FIXED or Sthir Nakshatras (Favorable to perform permanent things like laying foundations, for building, ...
The principles of Vastu help in establishing harmony between water, earth, air, fire and sky elements in the environment. The head of the home has four favourable and four adverse directions. View Vastu Baby Names By Nakshatra Find out most popular Indian names for baby boy & baby girl alon...