The Last Quarter Moon phase points to a crisis of consciousness of sorts. After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon at the time of last week’s Full Moon, we disperse our knowledge and come to a point when we need to sort out what works for us–and what...
karmic, and intuitive energy of this period. Important events might be triggered now, in the world and for you personally. Don’t let it drain you; be open to the lessons and insights and ready to release.
Leos born July 23 to August 2 Leos born August 3 to 12 Leos born August 13 to 22 Overview for this Month: Leo (All) March 2022 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Leo: March favors your close relationships and personal commitments to making changes and improvements, dear Leo. It's a fine...
MOON PHASES:2023|2024|2025 Times and Dates for the 2024 Moon Phases Astrology Calendar are set for New York. DateTimePhaseDegree Jan 0320:303rd Quarter Moon Jan 202413♎15 Jan 1106:57New Moon January 202420♑44 Jan 1722:521st Quarter Moon Jan 202427♈32 ...
Aries (March 20 – April 18) October brings a transformative month for you, Aries. Your ruling planet, Mars, shifts into the intense waters of Scorpio on the 12th, inviting you to delve deeper into your emotional landscape. This celestial movement harmonizes with Chiron, the wounded healer, ...
Aries (March 21 – April 19):April holds transformative energies for you, Aries, as you navigate the realms of self-discovery and personal growth. With the Sun illuminating your sign until the 19th, you’re infused with dynamic energy and a fierce determination to pursue your goals. However,...
Leosare known for being charismatic, outgoing, and dynamic, so it makes sense that the fifth house, ruled by the Sun and Leo, governs all things related to expression and creativity.Pleasurein this house’s name refers to “enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking.”...
Sep 22 Posted byastrospaces 在本網站的金火二星在天蠍座火拼的文章中,最後的一段是這樣的: 讀者反映:點解少談星宿對個人的影響呢?這需要個人的資料才能作準,而且,不是你係乜乜座這麼簡單的。不過,要談,也可以談的。今天,代表個人情感、心理 的金星進入蠍座了,在此同時,火星會追上來碰頭,一陰一陽,可以擦...
March 27, 2022 0 “Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham 2022’s FOURTH NEW MOON! Moving the UNTIED to UNITED for Our EARTH HEART Healing New Moon in Aries 2:24amEDT, 01 April; 11:24pm PDT, 31 March, Let’s Begin & Initiate ...
♑Capricorn (Goat): December 22–January 19 ♒Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18 ♓Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20 Click on your Sign to Know your 2025 Horoscope based on date of birth You can download your free horoscope by date of birth for 2025 based on your ...