Our sample birth chart analysis reveals the planetary influences encompassing all aspects of your life. Uncover your unique personality based on the exact time you were born.
any bad outcome. For a brief explanation for your symbol the astrologers also have compared each sign with another to set up the best and the worst. You have control over your zodiac chart interception and also the natal chart. Each zodiac has its Astro seek signature sign each made ...
A conjunction forms when two planets are 0-10 degrees apart in the birth chart. In general, astrologers like to use the tightest orb as possible, a 5-degree orb is preferred. They are traveling close together in the same zodiac sign. A conjunction is a blending of the two planets’ ene...
betweenastronomical phenomenaand events taking place on Earth to humans. There are many variations of astrology with the Western worldfocusing on what are known as horoscopes. An astrology chart, is simply an individual's explanation of their personality based on the date and time they were born....
Your monthly lunar return occurs the moment the moon returns to its location in your birth chart. Here’s what it means and how to work with it.
In other words, the sidereal positions of the planets in a natal chart have an uncertainty of several degrees. Hence, it is not without reason that the introduction of the Lahiri standard has led to bitter quarrels. For “Vedic” astrology with its claims of high accuracy, an inaccuracy of...
See "plasma" for an explanation of temperature, absolute zero, and the four states of matter. To read more about the earth sun signs in a Natal Chart, Click here! [ back to top ] Ecliptic (Plane): the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, hence the apparent path of the ...
And analyze user's need based on the facts provided, combined with astro chart info.Don't fabricate the params for actions! Always ask the user for birth date, time and location if that was not provided before for all questions! If user's birth date, time and location are not provided,...
this is merely a broad explanation. The zodiacal presentation can greatly differ depending on which type of astrology used (tropical or sidereal), as well as which House system is implemented. Overall, the zodiacal sphere is used to gauge daily transits and will also dictate birth chart ...
The “sun sign” which is your birthday sign (Aries, Taurus, … to Pisces) is the focus of the simple media astrology, which appears in daily and weekly columns. Serious astrologers tend to look down on it, saying it gives astrology a bad name. They point to the birth chart with its...