Yet, when I went back over that prediction for the year that had just passed, I found itastonishinglyaccurate. Down to specific events in specific months, and good events and even warnings that rang all-too-true; so true that I laughed when I read them: “Yes, I WISH I’d looked out...
the all-important planet in the North Korean chart, it is a bit alarming that the next full Moon of December 21st which is going to be a lunar eclipse as well, is going to hit natal Uranus by a very exact conjunction, thereby activating the Uranus square to this point of the last sol...
Birth Time Rectification in astrology is necessary for casting accurate Horoscope and Prediction. It is determined with help of past events & ruling planets.”>
With Uranus retrograde 40% of the time there is also a good chance there will be three exact hits of the transit. Reply Genaro on June 30, 2016 @ SuHu55 The Brexit is definitely a “disaster” for the elites in the EU who desperately want to maintain their power and control. (See:...
I look forward to seeing your story about quake prediction, I’ve been doing it for years, Japan quake I was out by two days and same with Christchurch. Its an in-exact science, but with so many variables to consider, it pays to be spiritual. Reply lucy on March 15, 2011 mercury...