美[əˈstrɑlədʒi] 英[əˈstrɒlədʒi] n.占星术;占星学 网络星座;星相学;星象学 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 astrology n. 1. 占星术;占星学the study of the positions of the stars and the movements of the planets in the belief that they influence human affairs...
Astronomy comes fromastrology. 天文学是由占星术演变而来的. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 It does not seem very gracious for contemporary science to dismissastrology. 用现代科学排除占星术,似乎太不讲情面了. 辞典例句 Astrologyand alchemy are occult sciences. ...
astrology的意思、解释 astrology 基本解释 名词占星术; 占星学; 原始天文学 astrology 相关例句 名词 1. I had always supposed that astrology was his particular hobby. 我一直认为占星学是他的特殊爱好。 astrology 网络解释 1. 占星术:但又不遵循科学方法的知识或理论. 伪科学貌似科学,但无法用科学方法予以检...
•Pempie wanted to go to thepsychiatristbecause she's verykeenonastrologyandsendsawayfor readings.•Throughastrologyone could beforewarnedof theexacttime of his coming. 我们重视您的隐私 我們及我們的770合作夥伴會在您的裝置上儲存和存取個人資料,例如瀏覽資料或唯一識別碼。選擇「接受」將啟用追蹤技術,...
1. 它所宣称的天文基础是不存在的。对星空的迷信是古人以为世上存在神仙,高山和天空是神灵的领域,...
Astronomy(天文学)与Astrology(占星术)差一点点 Astronomy和Astrology有共同词根astro-,astron 语义为star。所以二者最初都是关于星星的,差异在于后缀-nomy和-logy。这两个词肯定源于拉丁语,进而回溯至古希腊语。Astronomy和Astrology分别与古希腊的astronomia和astrologia对应。在拉丁语和近古希腊语中,astronomia(天文学)...
ASTROLOGY Get ready to dive deep into the cosmos with TwinFlame's Astrology feature! Explore a universe of astrological knowledge, spanning multiple house systems and intricate charting, all at your fingertips. Our insightful interpretations light up the mysteries of your zodiac, connecting you to th...
The meaning of ASTROLOGY is the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects. The Difference Between Astronomy and Astrology