While astrological compatibility is extremely nuanced and requires a look a the whole natal charts of both individuals, there are a few general principles thatguideus when seeking a match from within the 12 signs. Below you'll find your worst astrological match, your least compatiblezodiacsign. A...
The signs on both ends of the axis have significant meaning in relationships. The good news is that signs that are in a harmonious relationship with the sign on your ascendant will also be compatible with the sign on your descendant. Having the Sun, Moon, or some personal planets in sig...
If your Sun signs are compatible yet your Mars signs are not making contact with either the other person's Sun or Mars, the relationship may prove to be a sexual disappointment. Venus is another player in astrological compatibility. Venus doesn't have much to do with sex, but it is the...
Just like there are 12 signs of the zodiac, there are 12 astrological houses that relate to certain areas of your life and personality. Think of it like a clock. At each “hour” lies a different astrological house, all of which can tell us about influences on our personalities—like how...
“If neither of them was strong in their own right, this relationship would not work,” Joyce points out. “They make each other happy, because of who they are and not what they need from each other.” Aryelle Siclait editor Aryelle Siclait is the editor at Women's Health...
Are you a Leo Moon Sign? You can find it out instantly. Your need to lead, be social and run the show is so strong that you may not be compatible with possessive signs as Scorpio. You need someone who will allow you the freedom and let you steal the spotlight. Sun brightens the ...
The Women With The World’s Most Influential Style – And Their Star Signs… Capricorn Fashion Style: Conservative Conduct… Saturn Return Fashion Rules – What To Take Away From This Transit… Capricorn Fashion Secret: Embrace Lace… Most Magical: Capricorn Style Sets Her Apart, The Mythic Sea...
The planetary triplicities are connected to the astrological Terms (see Appendix B): The Terms (ὅρια, literally "boundaries") are subdivisions of the zodiac signs comprising whole numbers of degrees, such that each of the five planets (and, in some systems, the Sun or both the 24 ...
Cancer is a solitary creature who craves the security of a safe environment at home. The Crab, like the other cardinal zodiac signs that are animals, is aspirational, but it’s also persistent when it comes to achieving its goals. What these symbols also tell us about Cancer is that they...
This week starts onMondayas Mercury trines Chiron, with the Moon joining in later in the day. This transit can It brings elements like compassion, humility and tolerance to the mix, which makes social interactions so much more pleasant. As both of Mercury and Chiron are in fire signs, the...