So is there really something to zodiac signs personalities? Yes,… Read MoreZodiac Signs Personalities: Discover the Dates & Fascinating Traits of Each Zodiac Star Sign Self Help / Self Heal How To Improve Spiritual Wellness In this day and age, we live hurried and fast-paced… ...
Discover the dates and times of aspects between the Moon, Sun, and planets, astrological sign changes, retrogrades, and direct turns this month and next.
When a personal planet like Mercury, Mars, or Venus are retrograde, we feel it in a different way because those planets’ expression is more personal and their spheres have to do with important parts of our daily lives. (Once we get to Jupiter and Saturn and beyond, the planets spend a ...
The game may be played to learn the signs of the zodiac and their relation to the planets, or the game may be played for amusement purposes, if desired. The apparatus A includes a game board B (FIGS. 1 and 2). The game board B is generally rectangular in shape and has a plurality...
All zodiac signs have their unique qualities and flaws. What's yours? And how can you be the best you can be?
This week’s headline items: Venus and Mars remain exalted all week; the Sun changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces early Tuesday; the last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius becomes exact early afternoon Thursday; Venus’ Station phase intensifies on Saturday; Mars comes to a halt on Sunday evening at...
the zodiac, as spring officially begins on March 20th, thereby connoting new beginnings and the advent of new life. When the Romans started their calendars, March was the first month. In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar changed the month to January. Let’s see what other zodiac signs are animals...
Triplicities are months and zodiac signs arranged in four groups of three, so that their distance is always four months/signs, in other words, 120° apart along the zodiacal circle (see Figure 1). They are well established in Graeco-Roman astrology,22 and according to Geminus, a Greek ...
Explore the Planets, the 12 Zodiacal Signs and the 12 Houses and their uniques uses in traditional astrology. Renaissance Astrology also has extensive resources on Astrological Magic, check out the Fixed Stars, the Planetary Hours and the Mansions of the Moon and their uses in traditional ...
Here is the newsletter that covers Aries activity for the year ahead, important dates and planetary movement and the signs most affected this month, People, Places, and Events in the News, Famous Aries Birthdays, Readers Corner, the quote of the month, and housekeeping details. Enjoy the ...