Moon may already be affecting you. Also, its influence could linger longer than a usual full Moon as it is a supermoon which will undergo a partial lunar eclipse. Learn what that means astrologically and what this powerful Moon may bring for you according to your zodiac sign in this ...
New For 2024 – Astrology Delivery This is a proven way of getting some or all of what you want, by using booking windows for your sign, to write down your requests. Astrology Delivery has been successfully tested in October-December 2023 with Jessica’s readers reporting rewards including lar...
Thankfully, now that Mercury has gone direct in the sign of Libra, we can look forward to new awareness, understanding and solutions to situations that had everyone in a state of limbo. With light cast on the unique areas of imbalance, it sent a karmic reminder to take better care of ou...
Simple ways to use Vedic Astrology to guide you towards a fulfilling career, meaningful relationships, and a life that feels truly YOU. Explore your strengths, unlock potential, and navigate life's challenges with ancient wisdom of the Vedas.
Here is the 2024 Aries Newsletter acknowledging Aries March 19 entry into the sign at 11:06 PM EDT. Enjoy the details that include Cyber security updates, general birthdays, celebrity birthdays, an overview of Aries year ahead, important dates, lunar and solar cycles, eclipse activity, People,...
This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius). Monday late evening, a long-term, challenging Mars/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 9:44pm EST. We ...
Information about astrology on this web site is provided forentertainment purposes only.(see full Disclaimer at the bottom of this page - or onTerms and Conditions page) Star Signs Horoscopes and astrological information by sign of the zodiac:Aquarius,Aries,Cancer,Capricorn,Gemini,Leo,Libra,Pisces,...
Discover the astrological insight of Sagittarius zodiac sign. Get to know the personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and more about the this zodiac sign.
There are "rules" for this sign and they must be followed. Aquarius is the experimenter and wants to enjoy a relationship without losing his freedom or individuality over it. He may be kinky in bed. Pisces is the sensitive lover who wants to meld with you completely. This sign truly ...
Sagittarius is the sign of the search for wisdom. Sagittarius is fiery, rebellious, while remaining conformist. Sagittarius attaches great importance to freedom. He likes travelling. He is also an impatient person, when he starts something, he risks not finishing it each time because he likes to...