This tutorial into the research module that comes with AstrolDeluxe Platinum will introduce you to how version 9.6 added AstroDatabank-type OR searches. Astrological researchers who wanted to combine charts in OR searches have in the past used Lois Rodden's AstroDatabank program. Astrologers were ...
Research:C-Section 13667 Research:C-Section 14187 Research:C-Section 14558 Research:C-Section 14661 Research:C-Section 14674 Research:C-Section 14754 Research:C-Section 14767 Research:C-Section 14768 Research:C-Section 14772 Research:C-Section 14773 ...
MP: I am Mark Pottenger, the Research Director for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. Lee, why don't you give the overview of data exchange? JLL: Basically, the whole idea of data bases became feasible as computer prices came down, megabytes of hard drives went up...
AstroDatabank was originally a software and data collection company that was founded in 1995 in order to create an accurate research database of birth information for astrologers to use. It was largely based on the work of the late Lois Rodden, who had been collecting and indexing b...
Research:Birth Trauma 15087 Research:Birth Unusual 1726 Research:Birth Unusual 37586 Bishop, Elizabeth Blass, Bill Private:Bleidt, Travis Bloom, Orlando Bocage, Manuel M. Barbosa du Bogart, Stephen Bolivar, Simon Bomans, Godfried Bonnafous, Céline Bonnafous, Laurence Booth, Edwin Borden, Emma Borde...
Research:Airport Operator Research:Airport Owner Akley, Steve Alba, Jessica Albin, Hans Aldridge, Rod Alecrim, Marcelo Alexiss, Ashley Ali, Farah Khan Ali, Laila Allen, Karen Allen, Sylvia Almeida, Ricardo Alonso, Chelo Alpert, Herb Ambani, Anil ...
Caan, James Cannon, Dyan Cantor, Eddie Capoul, Victor Chase, Kate Clark, Dick (1929) Research:Clerical 8859 Coogan, Jackie Crosby, Kathryn D Davis, Edward M. Degas, Edgar Del Grande, Enea Di Frasso, Dorothy Don, Monty Douglas, Michael ...
Carpenter, Scott Carruthers, Peter Carter, Chris Casarotto, Renato Casiraghi, Andrea Chandler, Otis Chaplin, Charles Charles III, King of the United Kingdom Cheli, Giovanni Research:Child Abuser 12064 Chorão Christie, Agatha Clay, Orson C. ...
Research:Inheritance 6575 Irving, Ken J Jackson, Jesse Jensen, Joyce Johnson, EJ Johnson, Samuel Jordan, Don D. M MacArthur, Mary Mackellar, Dorothea Magnone, Guido Mahl, Bruno Maillol, Aristide Mancuso, Nick Mangiarotti, Edoardo Mank, Robert ...
Castillo, Frank Cate, Troy Cena, John Clark, Mark Clemens, Kacy Clemens, Kody Coan, Gil Cole, Dick Collins, Dottie Wiltse Research:Computer Tech 6712 Cook, Alastair Cook, Andy Corsi, Jim Cozart, Zach Cress, Walker Crites, Shirley Crowe, George ...