I've previously used unocss with Vue and I'm pretty familiar with how it works. But not with Astro. The bug happens even with this simple astro config: import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import unocss from 'unocss/astro'; export default defineConfig({ integrations: [ unocss...
However, that's a bit awkward behavior to work with, since it is normal that something related to CSS to be considered as a clientside job. I've tried UnoCSS many times with something like vite-plugin-ssr and didn't have any issue there (since I've imported the uno.css root file i...
UnoCSS integration for Astro. Latest version: 0.65.0, last published: 2 days ago. Start using @unocss/astro in your project by running `npm i @unocss/astro`. There are 6 other projects in the npm registry using @unocss/astro.
•当然如果你的组件是基于Vue或者React框架,也可以无缝集成到Astro项目中。 此外,我们还引入了UnoCSS,UnoCSS是一个基于CSS的轻量级框架,它旨在简化和加速前端开发过程。UnoCSS使用简单的CSS类来定义样式和布局,无需编写大量的CSS代码。只需将所需的类应用于HTML元素即可实现相应的效果。 2.1.3 状态共享方案 Astro推...
@unocss/astro/LICENSE Version: 1.1 kBPlain TextView Raw 1 MIT License 2 3 Copyright (c) 2021-PRESENT Anthony Fu <https://github.com/antfu> 4 5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 6 of this software and associated documentation files (th...
uno.config.ts style:code format 2年前 yarn.lock chore:依赖升级 1年前 README MIT 基于Astro 开发的个人博客 注意!!! 基于Astro 开发的个人博客 注意!!! 当在非.astro文件中使用@apply等非行内的unocss语法时,需要首先引入uno.css,否则打包时会报错!!!
unocss astro astro-integration astro-component css ui antfu• 0.65.1 • 12 hours ago • 6 dependents • MITpublished version 0.65.1, 12 hours ago6 dependents licensed under $MIT 811,651 @inlang/paraglide-js [![Inlang-ecosystem compatibility badge](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/opral...
"@unocss/core" "0.50.6" "@unocss/preset-uno" "0.50.6" cac "^6.7.14" chokidar "^3.5.3" colorette "^2.0.19" consola "^2.15.3" fast-glob "^3.2.12" magic-string "^0.30.0" pathe "^1.1.0" perfect-debounce "^0.1.3" "@unocss/config@0.50.6": ...
赞 ASTRO_Starbob #ASTRO[超话]# 🌻#自体发光组合ASTRO# 『240508_推』 [#车银优#] 车银优 2024 Just O... 查看更多a c +关注ASTRO_Starbob 1月26日 13:26 来自ASTRO超话 已编辑 置顶 ASTRO超话 ❄️#自体发光组合ASTRO# 『240126_ 文彬超话』 遗忘是真正的死亡,但爱可以化解一切-cr.ASTRO_Star...
展开全文c û收藏 转发 评论 ñ4 c +关注 ASTRO_Starbob 今天11:13 来自ASTRO超话 ASTRO超话🍃#自体发光组合ASTRO# 『240910_推』 [🎥] [Exclusive Video Shoot BTS] Cha Eun-woo: Skechers Tres Air UNO Slip-ins(出处 : SKECHERS Malaysia)▶ youtu.be/qW8FzSpmFr4...展开全文c ...