Astro-Seek's Tools Search Search for Tool or Calculator on Astro-Seek: Guide to Tools on Astro-Seek This short guide helps to explain the basic functions of some of Astro-Seek´s search tools and how you can use them to calculate various astrological events. ...
During the Progressed New Moon we must become whole within ourselves. The Sun and Moon, the two lights and most powerful entities in our chart are joined. And where before spirit and soul, mind and body, masculine and feminine, identity and roots may have been separate, they now become ...
we can select the right target and aim. If we committed to this practice during the three to four years of our progressed Crescent phase, we might amaze ourselves with achievements by the progressed Full Moon. And if we were born at the Crescent phase, this should become the work of our...
Indeed, I spent decades looking for something seemingly ever-present at the totally vacant 7-8 Libra in my own chart that just couldn’t be explained. The closest I could come was that it might be my most-aspected natal degree (using major and much smaller minor aspects). Or, maybe it...
By understanding the potential of our dogs we seek ways to improve what already exists and accept things that are sometimes unchangeable or a challenge. We may not always know their exact time of birth but we can still look at their Sun sign chart and determine an incredible amount of inform...
And in the case of synastry, also each individual’s natal chart — so at least three charts are being read (and that doesn’t even include the progressed charts, which are very important as time goes on in the relationship.). So… 1. What’s your Sun, Moon, Ascendant? 2. What’s...
It can take years, or months to read a whole chart — minutes, and seconds to read part of it. Natal astrology describes the native, and the potential opportunities and challenges they shall face, face, and have faced. The natal and progressed chart is your operating and repair manual. Ev...
Would you like to view and interpret your own (or someone else’s) personal birth chart, progressed chart, moon transits, and synastry reports and be mesmerized by the results? Oh, and would you want all of this for free? The beginner and the advanced astrologer alike can all benefit ...
🍑原文来自 The AstroTwins🍑 🌺会英文的亲,或者想共同进步提升英文翻译能力的亲,随时欢迎加入翻译团队,想翻译哪篇均可,直接在评论区发表自己的翻译即可,大家相互交流学习,共同提升英文水平🌺 🍑本小组谢绝机译🍑 🌺不会英文的亲,如果暂时没有看到相应的译文,可以手机下载使用有道翻译App&百度翻译App,直接...
they too may remain latent. But let the native abuse his body and at once these weak spots will appear. This gives us the second class of disease, the active type. When the planetary aspects have been stirred into action and disease has appeared, the progressed planetary positions give the...