planet & people we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and equitable world – and how everyone can play a part. learn more planet people recycle reporting take action ...
Les humains et la planète Nous créons un avenir meilleur pour notre planète et notre société Découvrez comment Logitech innove dans la conception d’un monde durable, équitable et inventif, et comment chacun peut y contribuer. EN SAVOIR PLUS ...
ASTRO Gaming - Video / audio adapter kit - black - 4K support - for ASTRO A50 + Base Station (for PS4), MixAmp Pro TR (for PS4); Sony PlayStation 5 Free shipping, arrives in 3+ days Unrated Astro Gaming A10 Headset For Xbox One/Nintendo Switch / Ps4 / Pc And Mac - Wired 3.5...
Astro A40 TR游戏耳机最大的亮点就是配备的Astro Mixamp音频控制器,这个Astro Mixamp音频控制器采用方形设计,Astro Mixamp整体采用镜面设计虽然非常美观吸引眼球,但是依旧逃脱不了镜面的魔咒,那就是指纹收集器。 Astro Mixamp音频控制器上设计了开关按钮,值得一提的是它不仅仅是一个开关按钮,它还可以启动Astro Mixamp音频...
refurbished astro a40 tr headset + mixamp pro tr see all platform color black/ps in stock. ready to ship free standard shipping on orders of €39 and above. description the a40 tr headset + mixamp pro tr gaming pack delivers precise audio and game:voice control for pro-level console and ...
Bundle Includes: A40 TR Headset and MixAmp Pro TR for Xbox One and PC (Refreshed Version) and Knox Gear Kernel 13-in-1 USB-C PD Multiple Display Charging Port Hub Astro Audio V2: Astro Audio V2 provides a neutral, smooth and extended frequency spectrum for detailed, ...
For serious live streamers, the MixAmp Pro TR has been engineered with all digital components for lag-free/interference-free operation and features Dolby Digital Surround Sound processing. For loud environments such as pro tournaments, you can transform the A40 TR into a closed-back, noise-isolatin...
MIXAMP PRO TR GEN4是蓝色色调 MIXAMP PRO TR GEN3 是红色色调 MIXAMP的固件一定要在36000+以上,具体的版本号我也不太清楚,但是杜比7.1比9000的好多了,我也不知道是否对杜比进行了改动,这边只是主观的使用体验。 总之这耳机会用还是屌的。接下来就切入正题了,由于专栏只能修改三次的原因,如果有更新会先写在评论...
Get it now! Get the most out of your PlayStation 5 experience when using the MixAmp Pro TR, A50 Wireless and Base Station, or A20 Wireless Headset Gen 1. The Logitech HDMI adapter for PlayStation 5 enables full game-voice balance on ASTRO Gaming devices
不同使用场景的声音预设 // Astro A20/A40/A50 TR + MIXAMP PRO TR GEN3/GEN4 吃饭团的渠 · 4543阅读 当然也有使用表格形式进行列举,大家英文不太好的话可以尝试使用翻译器进行阅读,这里就不再赘述了。然后就是第二个Community-presets,主要是社区一些玩家分享自己用的比较上手的EQ,要求就会以文本形式写在Dc...