罗技在2017年为了拓展主机外设市场以8500万美元将Astro Gaming收购,现在已经进入中国市场,娱乐明星陈赫成为了该品牌的形象大使,并且赞助了他创办的电竞俱乐部SnakeTC,最近呢李哥也收到了Astro的一款旗舰耳机,Astro A40 Mixamp,接下来咱们就一起来看看它到底如何吧!
astro mixamp pro tr $169.99 see all color black/ps sold out temporarily description the mixamp pro tr is the premier gaming audio solution for pro-level console and pc gaming. connect any wired astro series headset for stunning game audio and precise game/voice balancing. *mixamp pro for ...
ASTRO A40+MixAmp的价格,在游戏耳机里,实话实说,有点小贵(当然和HIFI耳机是没法比较的)。不过618优惠价是1699元,就ASTRO A40+MixAmp的表现和开放的参数设定功能来说,是这个价格很值得入手的游戏耳机。
ASTRO Gaming MixAmp Pro TR, 2-Channel Headphone Amplifier, with Accessories Tuned with Astro Audio V2: Delivers proquality audio for gamers, enhancing the experience for live streaming and competitive play Astro Command Center Software: Provides enhanced control over voice communication and audio settin...
默认是调节开机即为游戏机模式还是PC模式,我当然是PC。 一切准备完毕,开始使用: 测试: 一上来就对比测试了,目前我家里的三套大耳系统,从左到右分别是:Astro A40+Mixamp、森海塞尔USB7.1声卡+森海塞尔1430耳机、国产外置解码耳放一体机+歌德Sr80。 很有意思的是,这三套系统都是USB输入加3.5mm输出,我可以任意排列组...
Mixamp for PlayStation, and PC/Mac*£139.99 sold.out.longnotifyme.labelfreeshipping.label The MixAmp Pro TR is the premier gaming audio solution for pro-level console and PC gaming. Connect any wired Astro Series headset for stunning game audio and precise game/voice balancing. *MixAmp Pro...
ASTRO Command Center software - Redefine pro audio for gamers. The free ACC software gives players enhanced control over their voice communication and audio settings. When paired with the MixAmp Pro TR, the A40 Headset delivers pro quality audio from the living room to the main stage.; Input ...
从调节面板来看,Astro MIXAMP有两个大旋钮,一个可以调节输出音量,一个可以调节麦克风音量,还有两个小按键可以直接切换音效预设音效模式和开启关闭杜比音效。不过从软件下载来看,Astro MIXAMP需要从英文官网下载安装软件,其有PC、MAC两个版本,我的MacBookPro这次也能直接用,而不用开启双系统。安装成功以后,连接...
Astro command center software: Redefine pro audio for gamers; The free astro command center software gives players enhanced control over their voice communication and audio settings; When paired with the a40 tr headset, the mixamp pro tr delivers pro quality audio from the living room to the...
确保设备处于 PC 模式。 请按照 Astro Command Center 软件中的说明逐步操作。 下载MICROSOFT 商店 ACC Astro Command Center for Mac 软件可对下列 Astro 系列设备的可调设置进行全面配置: - MIXAMP PRO TR GEN 3(2015 年末发布) - MIXAMP PRO TR GEN 4(2019 年发布) ...