planet & people we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and equitable world – and how everyone can play a part. learn more planet people recycle reporting take action ...
key features sustainability details the astro series a50 gen 4 base station for xbox/pc features a wireless transmitter that provides clear, low-latency voice communication, while making headset pairing and charging simple. this base station only works with the a50 wireless headset gen 4. planet ...
customize the astro gaming a50 series headset with a swappable headband and ear cushions. only compatible with a50 series headsets planet & people we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and ...
性价比之选ASTRO Gaming A50 Wireless Headset游戏耳机无线新标杆,本视频由稀奇古怪的人文冷知识提供,11次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
Astro Gaming A50 Wireless ✅ 优点总结:音质 ・ 可用性 ・ 舒适・ 价格・ 设计・ ❌ 缺点总结:降噪 ・ 京东查看价格 通过收集并分析了747条Astro Gaming A50 Wireless的评论。该产品的平均评分为4.2/5,而其他耳机的所有评论的平均评分为4.0/5。评论者对其设计和耐用性印象深刻。舒适性和可用性也...
ASTRO A50 Wireless + Base Station Wireless Gaming Headset for Xbox, PlayStation and PC/MAC* Black/Gold With revolutionary design, advanced acoustics and ergonomic comfort, A50 Wireless + Base Station delivers an unforgettable gaming experience. ...
Buy ASTRO Gaming A50 Wireless Headset + Base Station for Xbox Series X|S, & PC - Black with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
Astro gaming 是北美的电竞潮牌, 2017年罗技将其收归旗下,作为独立的子品牌运营。而Astro A50则是其专业级的高端旗舰产品,不管是外观设计、功能设计还是声学调校都体现了Astro多年来专注于游戏耳机开发的技术沉淀。(详情观看下方视频) ———图文版——— 很多朋友...
这里附上软件的下载链接: A50整体的听感非常不错,全音段频响都十分干净,纵深感十足,声音真实且饱满,人声方面也十分的细腻和通透。 声音解析力的表现也很优异,在一些类似交响乐等编制比较大的音乐中,不会出现高潮处声音糊在一起的现象,每种乐器的特色都可...
很多朋友可能对Astro这个品牌有些陌生,Astro gaming 是北美的电竞潮牌,最早主要是做游戏主机耳机的,而且在欧美的电竞、游戏耳机界有着很高的知名度,2017年罗技将Astro gaming收归旗下,作为独立的子品牌运营。而Astro A50这个型号的产品最早要追溯到2012年,经过几代的升级,到现在其实已经是第四代了。下面我们就跳过无...