With the current firmware, the 360's built in web server sends a web page to your browser to control the mount. The slowest slew rate is 0.5x sidereal rate, or approximately 7.5 arcseconds per second. If you wish, you can modify the speeds in the mount.js file, and re-upload them ...
an horizontal straigth red line on the left of the camera sensor and it is only visible on some exposures. I´m new on this camera things so I hope that someone hera can tell me if I can solve this problem whit the program and how to do it, I have the factory version firmware. ...
I'd like to avoid that expense, especially when it seems I am looking at aroud $700 for the scope and probes. If you need help in that department, let me know and we'll figure something out. If still at the U, they have a bunch. So no, you shouldn't... PM me if stuck.....
strFirmRev = {0xff:'Firmware version 1.0', 0x20:'Firmware version 2.0'} vddStatusMask = 0b01000000 vddOK = 0 def __init__(self, itf, addr=0x40, resolution=14): def __init__(self, itf, addr=0x40, **kwargs): self.itf = itf self.addr = addr self._setResolution(resolution) ...