谈谈宇宙机器人 As..先说说之前比较热的评分话题,94分也许可能大概有水分,评分媒体的事暂且不谈,但我认为宇宙机器人是绝对90分以上的必玩佳作。楼主是马批,最爱的游戏系列就是3d马力欧系列,从马力欧奥德赛开始,后面陆续补了
About ASTRO BOT JOIN ASTRO IN A BRAND-NEW, SUPERSIZED SPACE ADVENTURE The PS5® mothership has been wrecked, leaving ASTRO and the bot crew scattered all over the galaxies. Time to ride your trusty Dual Speeder across more than 50 planets full of fun, danger and surprises. On your journey...
About ASTRO BOT JOIN ASTRO IN A BRAND-NEW, SUPERSIZED SPACE ADVENTURE The PS5® mothership has been wrecked, leaving ASTRO and the bot crew scattered all over the galaxies. Time to ride your trusty Dual Speeder across more than 50 planets full of fun, danger and surprises. On your journey...
Finally, man, Playroom made so much use of what the ps5 controller can do, Astro Bot does not. Sure, in every world you got some gimmick controls, but you could use any controller for that. These things dissapointed me, but as I got about halfway into the game, the difficulity and ...
Astro Bot doesn't just deliver on the promise and potential displayed in PS5 pack-in demo Astro's Playroom, but soars above and beyond to serve up a near-perfect platformer to rival – and possibly surpass – the best of Super Mario's Mushroom Kingdom romps. Read full review GameSpot Ma...
Read full review Summary The PS5 mothership has been wrecked, leaving ASTRO and the bot crew scattered all over the galaxies. Time to ride your trusty Dual Speeder across more than 50 planets full of fun, danger and surprises. On your journey, make the most of ASTRO’s new powers and reu...
Astro Bot PS5,我现在可以带着这样的知识离开人世:我用大象的鼻子将蜂蜜泡泡射向空中,跳上它们,到达藏在鸡蛋里的三层鸡堆的顶部,然后用同样的鼻子从鸡蛋里取出蛋黄。这意味着我现在可以心满意足地离开人世了。在过去的 30 年里,索尼为我们提供了大量优秀的PlayStation游戏,但没有一款吉祥物平台游戏能够与任天堂的...
【搬运】【宇宙机器人|ASTRO BOT】毁灭鸣爆(噴射升天)DLC世界纪录34.305(2025.2.28) 【Commander-Fox-Q】雄鸡营救 2476 1 01:06 App 【宇宙机器人】最红温的一集 2333 0 40:41 App 【宇宙机器人】PS5pro更新后全部主机演示 1654 0 01:08 App 一命速通氦气冲高 198.4万 37 03:15 百万播放 App 最终bo...
PS5宇宙机器人| ASTRO BOT 全收集 全解密 及个别奖杯攻略【Powe马斯特努多编辑于 2024年09月09日 04:28 010443 第一只乌鸦都不会错过,不记了。 机械战神-触手星系 P15 - 01:52 第二只乌鸦 机械战神-触手星系 P15 - 02:17 第三只 机械战神-触手星系 P15 - 02:45 第四只 机械战神-触手星系 P15 - ...
galaxies, some levels repeat themself in theme, which starts to give some sense of cohersion, making the game better. Finally, man, Playroom made so much use of what the ps5 controller can do, Astro Bot does not. Sure, in every world you got some gimmick controls, but you could use ...