Turn it off and back on. PLEASE READ REDDIT REVIEWS before you make your purchase. If you can put up with the issues then it’s honestly a great headset. These have been out for about a year and no firmware update so I would not expect the problems to get better. ...
The Astro A20 are well-built headphones. They don't look quite as premium as the higher-endAstro A50 Gen 3 Wireless 2017, but they still feel like sturdy headphones. Despite being made mostly out of plastic, they feel solid enough to withstand a couple of accidental drops every now and ...
Check that you have updated firmware. If you have outdated firmware, that can be causing an issue. Open the Astro software on your computer or in your gaming console store and update your current firmware.[5] Expert Q&A Ask a Question Submit Video Tips Submit a Tip All tip submis...