Hello after some confusion with the base shader (BSL) I decided to change the name BSLex to AstraLex! Hello!! After Dev my last Shader (LexShino Shaders Remade :LexShino Thread) I decided with the permission of Capt Tatsu (BSL) and EminGT (Complementary) to make my BSL Edit shader wit...
Is technically just a shader-edit of BSL, so some concepts might be very linear 1.19.2 Astralax Shaders Preview How to DownloadAstralex Shaders 1.19.2: Step 1: How to Download from Minecraft-Resourcepacks.com If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading ...
Through the use of the new AstraLex Shaders pack, Minecraft players will immediately see the significant differences in the game world. Countless visual upgrades have been made to the game world, allowing for a beautiful and immersive gaming experience. Lighting during the day and night time has...
CurseForge:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/astralex-shader-bsl-edit/ 画廊 图片来源于光影官方网站 图片来源于光影官方网站 汉化专栏使用教程 「教程系列」汉化专栏使用教程 Surisen · 65237阅读 汉化代码块 #shaders/lang/zh_cn.lang #本汉化由Surisen提供。并非专业译者,请谅解。 #本...
红石音乐《wake—Hillsong Young & Free》混合合奏。 MC:1.16.5(fabric)光影:(Prismarine+V2.15a),[AstraLex_(BSL_EDIT)_V50.0],(Sildurs Vibr - MC 枏轩于20220726发布在抖音,已经收获了1.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Hello after some confusion with the base shader (BSL) I decided to change the name BSLex to AstraLex!Hello!! After Dev my last Shader (LexShino Shaders Remade : LexShino Thread ) I decided with the permission of Capt Tatsu (BSL) and EminGT (Complementary) to make my BSL Edit shader ...