Store Games Astral Ascent Slide 1 of 9 This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: ...
Hibernian Workshop 正在 Kickstarter 上為 Astral Ascent 籌款! Astral Ascent, a 2D platformer rogue-lite on PC and consoles with four worlds to escape, if you can beat the Zodiacs, 12 mighty bosses!
《星界战士》(原名:星座上升)是一款以现代幻想世界为背景的2D平台rogue-lite游戏。作为4个性格迥异的英雄之一,你必须设法从花园逃离,这个大花园是一座由12个强大且邪恶的boss守护的星界监狱,另称“十二星宫”。 ■ 勇往直前 为你的4个不同角色解锁数十个独特的法术。优化你的构建或尝试一个新的方式试图击败12...
Astral Ascent is a rogue-lite filled with narration, and each time you play, you will unravel more of its immersive story. As you become stronger, you will discover more about the characters, their motivations, and the mysteries of the world in which they are trapped.2-PLAYER LOCAL CO-OP...
艾拉的专属法术中包含极大量位移法术以及带有【闪避】效果的法术,这让艾拉的法术循环具备强大的生存能力,配合其特性法术【如影随形】经常能够利用闪避来达到离谱的闪避效果。 基兰 一位热情的拳师,善用他多样格斗技巧与法术来与敌人硬碰 基兰是四位角色中最为固执的角色,无论是从性格还是他的法术上来说。基兰在通过...
星座上升:新版本——全角色通关实况 | 最高难度【Astral Ascent 星座上升】共计4条视频,包括:新角色:凯莉 难度12、艾拉 通关12、基兰 通关12等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
亚马特有包括初始法术在内的16个法术,且大多数为高费法术,一费法术仅有两个,亚马特的大多数法术均有大范围杀伤能力,三费法术均有亮眼表现。接下来会依据个人梯度表从下到上依次评价: 亚马特法术梯度表 注:同一梯度内无先后顺序,梯度考虑点出荆棘甲、幽灵等增加躲避难度的命运等级,排序强度为主,易用性为辅。仅为...
【星座上升/Astral Ascent】命运重制版本最高难度命运54艾拉首通全流程实况 79 -- 17:41 App 【JailBro解说】Metal: Hellsinger demo 重金属:地狱歌手 试玩版|音游版的doom让人爽到无法自拔 392 -- 3:47 App 【星座上升/Astral Ascent】命运54终局,艾拉击败最高难度水瓶座片段。(全球首通)...
Octave:Trained by a powerful witch, this young fighter summons ethereal guns to attack his foes. When needed, he can conjure bigger weapons as well. Lethal in all cases. Help us spread the word! New beautiful pixel-art game for rogue-lites fans: Astral Ascent! On Kickstarter + free demo...