Astra has always been at the cutting edge of WordPress themes, innovative and forward-thinking. If you need a theme that works perfectly with page builders, is super simple and fast, and yet has all the power and flexibility you could imagine, look no further than Astra. Dave Foy Design ...
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
1. Download the child theme from Github - 2. More information on creating child theme. - == License == Astra WordPress Theme, Copyright 2020 WPAstra. Astra is...
Astra WordPress主题功能: 没有jQueryAstra使用VanillaJavaScript来防止渲染阻止jQuery妨碍您并影响性能。只需半秒钟即可加载!Astra专为提高速度而打造,并针对性能进行了全面优化。作为最轻量级的主题,它的加载时间不到0.5秒!少于50KB的Astra需要少于50KB的资源,而其他WordPress主题则需要100s。优化的代码Astra使用默认的WordPre...
Astra Pro是一个快速简便的WordPress主题,可让您选择禁用页面标题和侧边栏。创建具有完全设计自由度的全角页面。Astra wp主题的加载速度非常优秀。它是市场上最轻的主题,并具有无与伦比的性能
Astra Theme 是一个免费的 WordPress 主题,你可以在WordPress后台直接安装,依次点击Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New.在搜索框输入Astra,找到Astra主题点击安装并且启用。另外,你也可以在wordpress,org官网下载Astra主题安装包,通过上传安装包的形式安装主题。
If you wish to download zip for theme version 1.0.2 then URL will be – You can find the changelog for a theme here. In case you need the previous version for Astra Pro Addon, write to Astra Support on the link here. How to ...
Astra Pro是一个快速简单的WordPress主题,他的最大特点就是可DIY程度非常非常非常非常高,这款主题的扩展性非常强,与众多可视化编辑器如Elementor、Beaver Builder、Gutenberg、Brizy的兼容性非常好。创建具有完全设计自由度的全宽页面。Astrawp主题是为了速度。这是市场上最轻量的主题,提供无与伦比的性能。Astra主题符合...
Easy Digital Downloads 0 Elementor 0Mehr Anzeigen Mega-Menü-WordPress-Plugin - Ova ovatheme Kreatives Post-Karussell-Addon für Elementor BestWpDeveloper Wie zufrieden bist du mit deiner Suche heute?Schicke mir Tipps, Trends, Kostenloses, Updates & Angebote. Du kannst dich jederzeit abmelden. ...