用户量最多的是Elementor,长远来看,选择Gutenberg也是一个不错的选择,毕竟WordPress默认就是古腾堡编辑器了。 奶爸这里选择了Elementor为演示,选择后会出现很多demo,我们选择eCommerce下面的网站demo。 值得注意的是,这些eCommerce的deom演示,只是说Astra默认设计了一些样式的,如果你自己会css代码和配置Astra的自定义功能,...
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
WordPress 網站的 2 個重要路徑(請把 demo.com 改成自己的網域): WordPress 前台:demo.com WordPress 後台:demo.com/wp-admin(加上 wp-admin 就是後台路徑) 首先,登入並前往 WordPress 後台 > 一般,可依需求更改「 網站標題、網站說明、網站管理員Email、網站語言、時區 」等 ..。 至於網站網址除非很確定目...
我们可以在WordPress后台的主题里面直接搜索Astra进行安装,然后激活。 2、安装Astra Pro插件 如果你是从奶爸建站笔记购买的Pro授权,那么会发给你上图这样的一个压缩包合集,箭头所指的3个是推荐必装的插件。 我们这里安装astra addon plugin,方法是在WordPress后台,插件,添加,上传压缩包安装。
Astra Pro主题是一个很受站长欢迎的WordPress主题,主要其轻量、速度快,可定制化程度高非常受大家的欢迎。但是因为Astra Pro主题最近都进行了改版,之前搬主题也分享过AstraPro主题的设置文章教程,但毕竟有些老旧了,加上AstraPro主题已经进行了页面的修改,很多内容已经对应不上了,这里搬主题就分享一篇Astra Pro主题超详细...
The QuadMenu Plugin is so versatile that the range of options is truly an eye-opener. With manual and automatic integration, there is no dearth in the manner in which you choose to adapt your menus into your blog. The support for WordPress multisite as well as child themes is an added ...
You will be notified from within the WordPress dashboard when an update is ready, just like any other theme or plugin. You can also set Astra to automatically update if you prefer. How many websites can I use Astra Pro on? Astra Pro from WooCommerce.com can be used on 1 website. ...
Astra is one of the fastest WordPress themes at this time. It is stable and comes with tons of options to customize any part. Having more than 1,000,000 customers,
Astra is one of the most essential tools of WordPress, it allowed me to double my productivity with an easy understanding of the plugin. The Starter Templates plugin has got a lot of templates that can then be modified, and all of this without even having to write code!